7 April 2024
Series: Portraits of True Faith
Speaker: Matt Johnson
Jesus’ Ascension applies Salvation Now, as we Await His Return Intro: Well morning friends; my… read more
29 March 2024
Series: Portraits of True Faith
Speaker: Matt Johnson
17 December 2023
Series: Portraits of True Faith
Speaker: Matt Johnson
The Rejection of Jesus brings Gods Final Wrath Intro: Well friends, my name is Matt… read more
3 December 2023
Series: Portraits of True Faith
Speaker: Seti Latu
26 November 2023
Series: Portraits of True Faith
Speaker: Matt Johnson
he original Greek word is actually – “VISITATION”. It is a word that means theophany or an appearance of God. Yahweh God (the Creator) visited Jerusalem in Jesus in 30AD – and they cried crucify. The people didn’t want Jesus or God in their life – so they tried to kill him. But rejecting God the author of life is tantamount to killing ourself. Rejecting God is rejecting life….
Although, God loves you like a parent and is ready to forgive you of anything and everything – you are ultimately responsible for your ACTIONS and your CHOICES. In the end we will all stand before the judgment throne of God. So what will you do? If the evidence for God and His Son Jesus is equal or better than any of the alternatives currently available – will you believe or not. And if the answer is still no – the question you must yourself is WHY?
19 November 2023
Series: Portraits of True Faith, Special Baptism
Speaker: Matt Johnson
Well this passage is wanting us to see that the Lord Jesus is actually the LORD Yahweh in human form. Jesus has the name LORD, because he is LORD. Another famous prophecy written by Jeremiah in 600BC says this; (Jer.23:5-6; Slide 13-14). Now David was the first proper Jewish King and God said the Messiah would one day come from David’s line. But Jeremiah says the Messiah’s name will be “the LORD, our righteous Saviour.” Notice LORD is capitals. It’s Gods name. The problem was no ordinary sinful human king could properly represent God on earth or save the world. So God, the Creator God, came to earth as the man Jesus to help and save his children.
19 November 2023
Series: Portraits of True Faith
Between Jesus 1st and 2nd Comings we must be Faithful Stewards Intro: Morning friends and… read more
5 November 2023
Series: Portraits of True Faith
Speaker: Seti Latu
29 October 2023
Series: Portraits of True Faith
Speaker: Matt Johnson
Of course, we all think THE MORE we surrender to Jesus – the more we lose.
But Jesus says the MORE you surrender – the more blessings you will gain now, PLUS BONUS – eternal life later. John Wesley’s point was that while justification by faith – may be all of God’s grace, sanctification is not just a passive, sit back and wait process. As Jesus calls us into his Kingdom and speaks to us through His word – we need to exercise our new liberated will – in intentional choices to repent and surrender more and more of our life to Jesus. Shooting sacred cows and repenting of certain sins is never easy and sometimes we put it off indefinitely. But what blessings are we forfeiting by not giving up the things Jesus is calling us to give up?