18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Welcome to Missionaries
Our vision is to be a community overflowing with faith, hope and love in Jesus. So we financially support several missionaries so that our faith, hope and love in Jesus is shared throughout the world. 10% of all income we receive through our offertory is forwarded to our missionaries.
If you would like to hear a sermon about Christian giving and good stewardship click here: Christian giving.
However, if you would like to make a special contribution expressly for one of our missionaries simply name the missionary in your Tithe.ly gift and/or the description in your bank deposit. This will then be forwarded to the right people. We currently have two missionaries that we financially support and two other missionary organizations that we support in prayer.
Financial Support
Matthew & Jennifer Lim (with Theo and Obi)
Missionaries with CMS in Japan
Matt & Jen Lim are sharing the good news of Jesus in Tokyo Japan with a Christian organization called HiBA (High School Born Againers). Japan is a very secular country with a very low number of evangelical Christians. Young people especially are without hope and purpose in Japan. A common practice of Japanese youth is “hikikimori” which is extreme social withdrawal, often seeing teenagers locking themselves in their rooms and not coming out for years. Matt & Jen are committed to sharing the faith, hope and love of Jesus with these desperate teenagers.

Viorica & Dominique Tartaru (Nea Zoi)
Missionaries with International Teams in Greece
Viorica has a Christian ministry in the red-light district of Athens. Sadly, each year hundreds of girls are trafficked out of eastern Europe and North Africa into prostitution in Greece. It is modern day slavery. Nea Zoi (New Life) helps them find freedom.
Viorica oversees a team of volunteers and provides them with pastoral support as they help women in slavery find physical and spiritual freedom in Christ. Our church has been supporting Viorica for more than 10 years. Women are regularly baptized and our church helped Nea Zoi create a safe-house in Athens for when women first escape. Please pray for Viorica as this is an emotionally draining ministry where she is exposed to the very worst of sin.

Prayer Support
Bob Mendehlsohn (Jews for Jesus)
Missionaries in Sydney, sharing the Messiah with Jews
Bob Mendelsohn was brought up in a Jewish family in Kansas in the United States. As a young adult Bob was thoroughly convinced that Jesus was the promised Messiah spoken of in the Jewish Scriptures. Consequently, he became a Messianic Jew. A Messianic Jew is a Jewish man or woman who accepts Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Gentile Christians recognize Messianic Jews as fellow believers and brothers and sisters in Christ.
The eastern suburbs of Sydney has a significant Jewish population who do not know Jesus. So given the Bible’s words that the gospel is first for the Jew and then for the Gentile we regularly invite Bob to come and speak in our church about his ministry. At these meetings we take up a special offertory for Jews for Jesus. But we also try to support them regularly in prayer.

Open Doors Australia
Supporting the Persecuted Church
Open Doors is a non-denominational Christian ministry dedicated to providing Christian resources, prayer and love to the most persecuted Christians in the world. In 2020, it is believed that more Christians are seriously persecuted for the name of Jesus than at any other time in church history. Right now, our brothers and sisters in Christ in many parts of the world need our prayers.
North Korea, Afghanistan and Somalia rank the top three places Christians are persecuted. But sadly, persecution of Christians is now rapidly increasing in China the second largest country in the world. Please join with us as we support the work of Open Doors and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.