South Sydney Anglican Church
Logo Text

Welcome to South Sydney Anglican Church

Visit Us

Our church is located in Redfern, Sydney, with easy access via buses, trains and walking distance. Click the button below to see the different options and plan your visit. 

Make a Difference

South Sydney Anglican Church is not for profit Christian charity that operates through the generosity of its members and those whoe benefit from the church.

A Community

No matter your culture, your background, your age or your financial status we would love you to join us in worshipping God.

One4life volunteers


The Christian faith is meant to be shared as we overflow with faith, hope and love in Jesus.   We are equipping Christians to share their faith in Jesus’ death, share their hope in Jesus’ resurrection and share their love of Jesus with the world.

In Faith, Hope and Love

Christianity is more than a church service on Sunday. Christianity is faith, hope and love expressed in Jesus, every day. The Scriptures say; Now these three remain faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love (1Cor.13:13).

In Jesus

Jesus is God’s beloved Son. Jesus died for our sins, was raised on the third day and will soon come to judge the world. You can have eternal life by believing in him.