South Sydney Anglican Church

Christianity Explored

Eph.2:8 For is by grace we have been saved, through faith, not by works, so that no one can boast.

Welcome to Christianity Explored

  If you have navigated to this page we are glad you are here. Christianity is about a wonderful, life-changing relationship with God, through faith in Jesus. Thankfully, God has revealed how to have a relationship with Himself, through Jesus. Christianity Explored is a seven-week course that examines what Jesus says in the biblical book of Mark. It is a great introduction to the Christian faith. Please be assured that you are not expected to know all the answers in advance.

person holding Holy Bible

  You will not be asked to read the Bible out loud or pray. If at any point you decide this course is not for you, you are free to pull out. We hope that by the end of the course you may decide to become a Christian. But if not, we will respect the fact that you have genuinely examined the claims of Jesus. We regularly have atheists, agnostics and seekers doing this course and while not everyone becomes a Christian, mots people find the course helpful in understanding the Christian faith.

How it Works

  Once a week, for about 1 hour and 15 minutes, we meet in a small group at the church. The small group usually comprises a church staff member and 3-4 people interested in finding out more about Christianity. We read a small section of Marks gospel together and talk about what Jesus was teaching. We then watch a short video presentation where a Christian pastor named Rico Tice offers further insight into the Bible passage. The church will provide each participant with a copy of Marks gospel and a Christianity Explored study book free of charge. 

The church regularly runs this course both during business hours and after hours depending on people’s availability. So, if you are interested in doing Christianity Explored with us please fill in the attached form and we will send you an email to let you know when our next course is being run. 

Christianity Explored Enquiry

Please notify me of the details for the next Christianity Explored Course

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