Community Groups
Heb.10:24 Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Community Groups
Community groups are small groups of Christians (usually 8-10) that get together during the week to read the Bible, pray together and enjoy friendship. The small group often looks at the Bible passage that was preached the previous Sunday. But sometimes other Bible passages are studied depending on the needs of the group. Small groups often also do things together including meals, social activities and serving in church ministries. If you want to grow in relationship with God and with other church members a small group is a great place to start.
We believe every Christian is called to live by faith, hope and love; grow in faith, hope and love; and then share their faith, hope and love in Jesus.
After professing faith in Jesus and being baptized basic Christianity expresses faith, hope and love by;
- personal Bible reading
- personal prayer life
- commitment to church
- honoring God with money
- learning to serve others
We are meant to be people who grow in the faith and become mature. We are not meant to be worldly Christians. Community groups, Christian conferences and good Christian books often assist in this growth. Community groups help us not only grow in our relationships with each other, but grow up as Christians fully equipped and confident to share all that God calls us to share.
Community Group Enquiry
Our community groups meet on Thursday nights and at other times during the week.
If you would like to find out more about our community groups please fill out the attached form.