South Sydney Anglican Church

The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Rev 1:5 “The Faithful Witness, the Firstborn from the Dead, the Ruler of the Kings of the Earth”)

Bible Passage: Revelation 11:1-14

Gods People begin to be Trodden on by the Nations

Intro:              Well morning friends and visitors. My name is Matt Johnson and today we continue our study of Revelation thinking about the spiritual battle of the last days. GODS PEOPLE are coming under attack because of the gospel we preach…

PRAYER:     Well friends, last week after the church service – TERRY MARSHALL asked me; “how can you be sure that the little scroll that John ate – is the gospel message of Jesus?As you may recall – I said that the reason the little scroll in Revelation 10 was both sweet and sour is because the gospel message of Jesus is both sweet and sour. John 3:36 saysWHOEVER believes in the Son has eternal life (that’s sweet), but it also says WHOEVER rejects Gods Son will not receive life because Gods wrath remains on them (that’s sour). So I believe the little scroll represents the gospel message of Jesus. The idea being – that even between the 6th & 7th trumpets we must preach the gospel…

But Terry pushed me and said, “but how can you be sure?” The ANSWER is “I probably can’t be 100% sure”. THE PROBLEM is that in Revelation the symbols and pictures need to be interpreted. For instance, what is THE LITTLE SCROLL? I suggested the gospel. Now thankfully, when we allow Scripture to interpret Scripture we can often work out what the pictures represent. Other parts of the Bible tell us STARS can represent angels. We know from the book of Daniel that BEASTS represent evil kingdoms and HORNS represent evil kings. We know from Revelation 2-3 that the Menorah lamp kind of represents Jesus’ sevenfold church – the true light of the world…

But even when we allow Scripture to interpret Scripture – there are times when more than one conclusion is possible. We will face this issue today with THE TEMPLE in Revelation 11:1? Does John measure a physical temple or a spiritual temple? And what is more important to God – the spiritual temple or a physical temple?

There are some things in Revelation I can’t be 100% sure about. So I have to give you what I think is the most likely conclusion (in my opinion). Now as I’m doing this – I’m drawing on lots of different biblical passages and it’s truly hard to show you all the Scriptures that are informing my conclusions. So today we are only going to look at two verses; so that I can show you, rather than just tell you the answer…

Now coming back to Terry’s question. Can I be confident the little scroll is the gospel message? Well, last week there was something else in my thinking – that I didn’t have time to show you. John was told to eat the little scroll and then PROPHESY. So what is PROPHESY? Well letting Scripture interpret Scripture; this is what the Bible says – (Slide 1; Rev.19:10). PLEASE NOTE – the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus OR testimony about Jesus. Now when we share our Christian testimony about Jesus – we are sharing the gospel, the good news of Jesus. So, while I can’t be 100% sure that the little scroll in Revelation 10 – is the gospel message; other Scriptures help me to conclude that MORE THAN LIKELY it is the gospel message of Jesus.

Now it is in this realm of “MORE THAN LIKELY” (perhaps 85% confidence) I speak today. Drawing on lots and lots of Bible passages – we need to try to understand the picture of A) the temple and B) the two witnesses in Revelation 11. So today – I’m going to focus on verses 1-2 and next week verses 3-14…

 Point 1:         John is Called to Measure the Temple of God (THE CHURCH*)

Show:                        Rev.11:1 (READ)

Explain:         Well in this passage John is told to measure THE TEMPLE OF GOD. But what does this mean? MOST SCHOLARS agree the measuring of these things suggests the things being measured have value to God. We measure what we value. So what does God measure?

Well God measures things with “A MEASURING ROD” – a couple of times in the Bible. At the end of Ezekiel (chapters 40-48) Ezekiel has a vision of an amazing temple. A man in fine linen then measures all the dimensions of the temple (WITH A MEASURING ROD) and Ezekiel writes down all the measurements. Now when Ezekiel measures – there is no physical temple. The Babylonians destroyed the physical temple in 597BC. So, in Ezekiel – he is measuring a vision of a temple – that is meant to give the Babylonian exiles hope. The temple will be rebuilt.

But when the exiles came back from Babylon and rebuilt the temple in 516BC – it was NOT as impressive as the temple in Ezekiel 40-48. It was never that grand. What’s more, this second temple was also destroyed in 70AD – by the Romans – as Jesus prophesied.

So some Christians believe the temple in Ezekiel 40-48 is a third physical temple that will soon be built in Jerusalem. Christians who believe the temple in Ezekiel 40-48 is a third physical temple often claim the temple John measures in Revelation 11 is also this third temple. Some people claim John sees the third temple that the Jews will build in the last days. Now it’s true that some politicians in Israel have plans to build a third temple in Jerusalem. So, a third physical temple may happen. But it’s not going to be a Messianic Christian temple. It’s going to be a Levitical priestly temple alongside or in the place of Al-Aqsa Mosque. And if you think things are MESSY in the Middle East right now, imagine what will happen if the Jews try to build A THIRD TEMPLE in the place of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Stay tuned for that one.

But hypothetically, even if a THIRD PHYSICAL JEWISH TEMPLE is built – you can’t call that Gods temple – because it will REINSTITUTE the Levitical priesthood and the sacrifice of animals. That would be a full-blown rejection of Jesus and everything he did. That would be APOSTASY. If you don’t believe me read Hebrews 6 – which says a return to Levitical Judaism is apostasy (Heb.6:6). Now I know many dispensational pastors speak about a third temple in Jerusalem like it will be a good thing. BUT this is part of my problem with dispensational theology. IF ANYTHING, a third temple in Jerusalem is likely to be part of Antichrist’s work as he deceives the Jews again and pretends to be the Messiah they are still waiting for. (2Thess.2:5). So, the fact that Revelation 11 calls this TEMPLE, GOD’S TEMPLE, tells me it’s a real temple that brings glory to God. A third Jewish temple (that rejects Jesus) is no more Gods temple than the Al Aqsa Mosque.

So the other place in Bible where we see an angel using A MEASURING ROD is Revelation 21. In Revelation 21 it says (Slide 4; Rev.21:15). Now in this picture – we know the angel is measuring the Jerusalem from above. This is not a physical city. This is a spiritual city that really does bring glory to God. So its possible John could be measuring the heavenly Jerusalem in Revelation 11. But again, this is unlikely because the outer courts are being trampled on by the Gentiles. THE HEAVENLY JERUSALEM (or the heavenly temple for that matter) is never going to be trampled on by any dirty, dirty Gentiles. It will be completely pure.

So if the temple in Revelation 11 A) can’t be the third temple AND B) it can’t be the heavenly temple, what temple could John be measuring?  Well, the only other temple that the Bible speaks about is the Christian church. In several places the Christian church is called Gods temple. FOR INSTANCE, in 1 Corinthians 3; Paul writes (Slide 5 – 1Cor.3:16-17). Also, in Ephesians 2, Paul writes (Slide 6 – Eph.2:19-21; cf 2 Cor.6:16).

The Christian church really is Gods truest temple ever built. We also know that speaking to the SAMARITAN WOMAN Jesus said (Slide 7 – John 4:23). Now I know some people might accuse me of interpreting the word “TEMPLE” symbolically or allegorically. But when I allow Scripture to interpret Scripture I KNOW the true temple of God is the Christian church. I KNOW the Christian church is the only temple that has true worshippers in Spirit and in truth. The only reason there are problems here is that dispensational theologians have taught the church is already in heaven (and so people go looking for other explanations for the temple in Revelation 11). But as I’ve shown none of the other possibilities make good sense…

Apply:            So if I had to conclude what temple John is measuring in Revelation 11 – I’d have to say it is THE CHURCH made up of Jewish and Gentile believers being woven together into one body. So Terry, while I can’t be 100% sure; I believe the temple in Revelation 11 is MOST LIKELY to be the Christian church still on earth – which remains 1) the truest temple ever built, 2) with the only true sacrifice for sins and 3) the only worshippers who now worship in Spirit and in Truth. But if this interpretation is correct – it means the church it is still on earth between the 6th and 7th trumpets. (It has not yet been raptured). INSTEAD, like the first and second temples, the church temple is now being desecrated and trampled on by the nations…

 Point 2:         John is told to Exclude Part of the Temple from Measurement

Show:                        Rev.11:1-2 (READ)

Explain:         Well as John measures the church he is told to exclude the outer courts – because it is being trampled on by the Gentiles. Now the word Gentile in this passage can also be translated NATION. And I think it should be translated NATION – because every other place in Revelation this word occurs its translated nation. Throughout Revelation – the non-Christian nations are portrayed as Babylon – the persecutors and the corrupters of God’s people. Let me show you a few quotes (Slide 11). It’s the same word. So Gods church is being trampled on by THE UNITED NATIONS of the world – who are increasingly anti-Christian, anti-Semitic and anti-the God of the Bible. Did I just say that out loud? I wonder – will that be labelled MIS-INFORMATION or DIS-INFORMATION?

Well, I don’t care. In RevelationTHE UNITED NATIONS” band together in an evil beastly regime that ends up persecuting and trampling under-foot the true people of God. So this is a picture of the nations starting to do damage to Gods church. But the translators still translate it Gentiles because of something Jesus says in Luke 21.

In both Matthew 24 and Luke 21 – Jesus talks about A) the destruction of Jerusalem and B) the end of the world. When Jesus came the first time – the vast majority of Jews rejected him. So, Jesus says the Jewish house (or temple) is going to be left desolate…. Now this has something to do with THE ABOMINATION THAT BRINGS DESOLATION spoken of in Daniel 9 (Matt.24:15). (We’ll get there shortly). BUT AFTER TALKING about the destruction of the Jewish temple – Jesus goes on in Luke 21 and says this (Slide 12 – Lk.21:20-24).

Now straight away you should be able to see A SIMILARITY between Luke 21 and Revelation 11. In Luke 21 – Jerusalem (the physical city in Judea) is trampled by the Gentiles or nations for a period of time. In Revelation 11, the temple, the altar and the worshippers are trampled on by the Gentiles or nations for 42 months.

Many people noticing these similarities then ASSUME the two passages must be talking about the same things. So they think – we translated Luke 21 – Gentiles, so we better translate Revelation 11 – Gentiles too. But I think this is a mistake… Luke 21 and Revelation 11 are not talking about the same event, but similar typological events.

Come back with me to the first temple built around 957BC. When God first saved the Jews and brought them to Israel – they were zealous to worship God. So they built the FIRST TEMPLE and tried to keep Gods commands. But over time they became lazy and apostate. So God brought the Babylonians in 597BC to punish them and the first temple was trampled by the Gentiles. It was destroyed.

Now after the Jews spent 70 years in Babylon as slaves – God brought them back to Jerusalem. The people were again thankful for their freedom. So under Ezra and Nehemiah they built a SECOND TEMPLE which opened in 516BC. Again, they were full of zeal to worship God. But again, it all just gradually became lip service. So, in 167BC – God sent the Greeks to punish the Jews and the temple was destroyed by Antiochus Epiphanes IV. Again, Gods temple was desecrated and trampled on by the nations because of sin.

Now 1 & 2 Maccabees tells the story of how the Jews cleaned up the temple and recommitted themselves to God. But within 200 years it was again empty religion. When Jesus turned up calling the Jews to repent of their sin and believe in him – most refused. So in 70AD God sent the Roman armies to punish the people and they trampled on the temple yet again. This is becoming a broken record….

Apply:            But here’s the focus today. The church is the true temple of God and Revelation began with Jesus telling the 7 churches to repent of their sins. But if Gods people don’t repent of their sins, idolatry and sexual immorality what can they expect? What has happened to every other temple – when Gods people persist in unrepentant sin?

(That’s right – trampled). The problem is we are now the temple and what is going on in the church today is no different to what was happening in the days of Israel. So if the church is as bad as Israel – we too should expect trampling. But thankfully – for those who are true Christians (trying to be faithful to Jesus) – we are told this trampling is limited to 42 months…

Point 3:         John is told the Nations will Trample the Church for 42 Months

Show:                        Rev.11:1-2 (READ)

Explain:         Now notice the words – 42 months. You’ll see in verse 3 that it also speaks about 1260 days. This is 3.5 years. Now the Jews worked on a LUNAR CALENDAR instead of a SOLAR CALENDAR. So if you want to get super technical this is like 3.485 years. But it’s about 3.5 years… So John is told the church will be trampled by the nations for about 3.5 years. Now some think this time span is a literal 3.5 years and others think it is symbolic of a short period of time. It is a time of persecution that (as Jesus says) is cut short for the sake of the elect (Matt.24:22)

But interestingly (in this case) I lean towards a literal 3.5 years because the original prophecy in Daniel 9 (from which this comes) seem to be speaking about literal years. The abomination that brings desolation and the three and half years come from Daniel 9. So lets have a look at Daniel 9 (Slide 14; Dan.9:24-27). Now in context Daniel is praying to God because he’s hoping the 70 years in Jeremiah are literal years. Jeremiah writes that the Babylonian exile will only last 70 years. Daniel works out it’s been 70 years. So he starts praying; Lord please be true to your word. Take us home.” Now it turns out the 70 years are literal. The Jews went back to Jerusalem after 70 years.

But as Daniel prays the angel Gabriel turns up and says “yes the 70 years are literal, but full deliverance for Gods people is going to take 7 lots of 70 years.”  So Daniel is told from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem there will be 7 lots of 7 years and 62 lots of 7 years until the Anointed One – the Messiah comes. That’s a total of 483 years.

Now there are a couple of earlier commands from Cyrus and Darius giving permission for Israel to go home and rebuild the temple. But it was really when Artaxerxes gave permission for Ezra to go home in 458-457BC that Jerusalem itself started to be rebuilt with its own laws. Shortly after this Nehemiah started rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. So, if we go with the Ezra date of 458BC – there are 7 x 7’s to rebuild the city and then a further 62 x 7 until the Messiah comes. That’s 483 years. So 458BC – 483 years – you get 25AD. But you now have to add one year – because there is no year zero between BC and AD. It just goes from 1BC to 1AD. So 25 + 1 = 26AD – which is when most people believe Jesus started his earthly ministry. So it appears that Daniel is talking about real years – between the edict to rebuild Jerusalem and the coming of the Messiah.

Apply:            Now we get to the last 7 years – in the 70 lots of 7 years. A) Some scholars think this last 7 years represents the whole period of time between Jesus’ first coming and second coming. Not literal. B) Other scholars think the last 7 years in Daniel 9 represents the final 7 years just before Jesus returns. Usually a literal 7 years. EITHER WAYGabriel tells Daniel that in this final seven – the ruler of the people who come – will confirm a covenant with many people for a period of 7. But half-way through the 7 (ie at the 3.5) this ruler who will come – will put an end to true sacrifice and worship in the temple. And on a wing of the temple he will set up some sort of abomination that brings desolation.

Apply:            Now over 7 years – between 171-164BC – a man named Antiochus Epiphanes IV seemed to fulfill Daniel’s prophecy perfectly. The Greek king Antiochus Epiphanes claimed to be the incarnation of the Greek God Zeus. The word EPIPHANY means God manifest. So Antiochus – God manifest. Now in 171BC Antiochus entered into a covenant with the Jews to protect their Jewish culture and beliefs. All the Jews had to ACCEPT was Antiochus getting rid of A) the true high priest named Jason and B) accept a puppet high priest named Menelaus.

 Now sadly, most of the Jews simply acquiesced – for the sake of peace. But you can’t trust a deal with the devil. So the pretend priest named MENELAUS started changing the morning and evening sacrifices in the temple, into sacrifices for the Greek gods. What the… At this point the pretend high priest and his followers started fighting with the true high priest and his followers (the Maccabees). So at the 3.5 year mark Antiochus came back to Jerusalem AND forced everyone to acknowledge Menelaus was the true high priest (or die). At the same time Antiochus burnt copies of the Torah, outlawed circumcision and erected an idol of Zeus in the Jewish temple. 1 Maccabees talks about the idol of Zeus as the abomination that leads to desolation (Macc.1:51)

So this led to all out war between Antiochus and the Maccabees that lasted the next 3.5 years. But in 164BC (about 7 years after the original covenant) ANTIOCHUS had to go and fight the PARTHIANS and he died. So the Maccabees keeping the light of true Judaism going in the days of Antiochus is what Hanukkah is all about. So we might think – case closed – Daniel 9 was fulfilled in the days of Antiochus.

THE PROBLEM IS Jesus says in Matthew 24 (200 years after Antiochus) when you see the abomination that brings desolation spoken of in the book of Daniel – then you know the end is near. Jesus says that Daniels words are not past, but future. It is something that happens POST JESUS. So some try to say this 3.5 years of great tribulation happened in the Roman invasion of Jerusalem in 70AD. But is that really the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of the world (as Jesus says). I mean the holocaust involved many more Jews dying under worse circumstances than the Roman invasion in 70AD.

The fact is – John picks up the 3.5 years and speaks of them in Revelation 11 – between the 6th and 7th trumpets. Now if the 7th trumpet is the final trumpet – it means the 3.5 years are just before the end of the world. These 3.5 years or tribulation are also spoken of in Revelation 12 and Revelation 13 – where we meet the Antichrist…

And this is where Revelation does get a little bit scary (and I don’t think the church is well prepared). I believe Revelation is teaching us that something similar A) to what happened with Antiochus and the Jews in 171-164BC, B) will happen again with the Antichrist and the Christian church in the last seven years of the world. Just as the Jewish exodus from Pharoah is A TYPE of our exodus from bondage to Satan. Just as the high priest is A TYPE of Jesus priesthood. Just as the Passover Lamb was A TYPE of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. So the Jews great tribulation in 167BC may be A TYPE of the church’s great tribulation in the last days. Only the real great tribulation will be worse than anything else that has happened in this history of the world…

And like all the typology in the Bible – I think Revelation 11, 12, 13 tell us that there will be some uncanny similarities. But these days – who really understands the story of Hanakkuh? Who has even read 1 or 2 Maccabees? The fact is – Satan is going to try to put out Gods light in the church and like the Maccabees we are going to have rally around the true high priest Jesus (and keep the light burning until the very end)…

There are some things in today’s story that I simply can’t answer with 100% confidence. But at the same time – I am 100% confident – that one of the main points in Revelation is that Jesus wants Christians to remain faithful witnesses for him – until the very end.

The 7 churches in Revelation 2-3 (which I believe represents the church universal) are told they must overcome the attacks of Satan. They must remain faithful to Jesus. The church in Smyrna is told to be faithful witnesses even to the point of death (Rev.2:10). What’s more in Revelation A) Jesus is presented as the faithful witness par excellence who was faithful even unto death (Rev.1:5; 3:14) and B) Christians should also be faithful witnesses like him (Rev.2:10; 12:11). Even as the seven trumpets are blown in Revelation 8, 9, 10 – John is told he must continue to prophesy despite already being in prison. And in Revelation 11 – we see two witnesses who are faithfully prophesying – until the beast who came up from abyss (in Revelation 9) – kills them (Rev.11:7). So we know that throughout Revelation Jesus is calling the Christian church to be a faithful witness like these two faithful witnesses…

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