The Rapture of Christians happens when Christ Returns in Glory
Intro: Well morning friends and visitors. My name is Matt Johnson and today we are taking A SIDE-STEP out of Revelation – to consider what is called the rapture of the church. DESPITE popular opinion I believe the rapture of the church, only happens towards the end of Revelation.
Prayer: Now as I shared with you I believe Revelation is preparing Christians for suffering and perhaps even martyrdom in the last days. But there is A MODERN THEORY in Christianity called Dispensational, Pre-Millennial, Pre-Tribulation Rapture that says “Christians won’t really suffer because Jesus is going to rapture the church and take us all to heaven before the antichrist comes.” I am concerned this theology is lulling the church into a false sense of security.
Now I know some of you are thinking what did he just say. Dispensational, Pre-Millennial, Pre tribulation, rapture, jargon, jargon. WHAT THE… And yes, I did use a lot of JARGON. So there’s A HANDOUT today – with all the common jargon of Revelation explained. But let me try to put it in SIMPLE TERMS.
IN 1995, an American pastor named TIM LAHAYE – published a series of books called (Slide 1) “The Left Behind” Series. He sold about 65 million copies worldwide and they even became movies. Now the teaching in these books is called “DISPENSATIONAL THEOLOGY”. (I’ll tell you more shortly). But according to these books – every true Christian is “RAPTURED” and taken to heaven – about 7 years before the end of the world. THE LEFT BEHIND books tell the story of how all the Christians on earth suddenly disappear (because they’ve gone to heaven). Then it explains in detail all the BAD STUFF that happens to the people left behind on earth. The idea is that you really don’t want to be left behind in the days of the antichrist. This Dispensational Theology makes for great books and movies, but I don’t think its what the Bible teaches…
So as we begin, let me say Revelation is a difficult book and I think we need to show each other a lot of grace as we work out what the Bible says. But I am the watchman of this CHURCH and God calle me to point out error and danger. So today I want to give you 1) a significant amount of historical background into the interpretation of Revelation – before we jump 2) into 1 & 2 Thessalonians and think about the rapture. There I will give you THREE REASONS why I don’t believe the rapture happens before the great tribulation or antichrist. So the big question is whether the church is taken to heaven before, in the middle or after the great tribulation.
Now all THE CONFUSION in Revelation tends to come from chapter 20. (Let me show you. (Slide 2) Now how and when does this 1000 years take place. (Slide 3) One interpretation of Revelation 20 is called Pre-Millenialism. “Pre-Millennialism” believes that 1) Jesus returns PRE the 1000 years; 2) he binds Satan in Hades and then 3) Jesus rules on earth for 1000 years (before the final judgment). Now if you have an ENGLISH background this seems very strange. If you have an AMERICAN background this will sound very normal. I’ll explain why shortly.
But in the first 250 years of the church Pre-Millennialism seems to be the dominant belief. Let me show you one example from JUSTIN MARTYR who wrote around 140AD. (ENTER). For the first 250 years all the church fathers seem to teach Pre-Millennialism. But around 250-260AD three pastors – ORIGEN, DIONYSIUS AND CLEMENT – heavily influenced by Greek Philosopher Plato started to question Pre-Millennialism.
But it wasn’t until about 350-360AD that Bishop Augustine offered a completely different understanding of Revelation 20. Again, heavily influenced by Plato – Augustine produced what is called AN A-MILLENNIAL interpretation of Revelation 20 (Slide 3 – Explain). Now A-Millennial, means not millennial. It’s like A-MORAL, which means not moral.
So A-Millennialists don’t believe in a physical thousand year kingdom on earth. Anyway, this is what Augustine says in his book the City of God (ENTER). Now I’m not sure anyone is saying the 1000 years is one big party. But at the same time – Augustine argued THE JEWS were valuable because they BORE WITNESS to Gods promises – fulfilled in the church. In some ways Augustine was protecting the Jews from antisemitism. But many people believed Augustine was saying the church had replaced Israel.
So Augustine’s views on both 1) the Millennium and 2) Israel came to shape the CATHOLIC and ORTHODOX church. And for nearly 1100 years there was ONLY the Catholic and Orthodox church. So when the Protestant Reformation began in the 1500’s – everyone was starting from an A-Millennial, the church replaced Israel position.
But very quickly a lot of Protestant reformers started to change their views back towards pre-millennial, pro-Israel views. For instance, THE GENEVA BIBLE (produced 50 years before the King James Bible) includes study notes written by THEODORE BEZA (Johns Calvin’s successor). Do you want to see what the study notes say in Romans 11 about Israel? (Slide 6; Geneva Bible). In next to no time – Protestant Reformers started to change their thinking about Israel.
Now about the same time in 1552 – the Anglican Church was trying to formulate its doctrine. So it originally wrote up 42 Articles of Faith (Not the 39 Articles they have today). Article 41 said this… (Slide 7 – Article 41). So some people in the Anglican church were trying to make Pre-Millennial beliefs and its links to Jerusalem a heresy. But this article never made the final cut. The ONLY reason article 41 would have been dropped is if lots and lots of Anglican ministers opposed it. That means lots and lots of Anglican ministers MUST have held Pre-Millennial views.
Exactly100 years later, (in 1662) – the King passed a law saying every church must be run according to the Anglican Prayer Book. So all the more A) traditional ministers (think Anglo-Catholic, A-Millennial, Church replaced Israel) quickly fell into line. But many of the reformed, biblical pastors (think Puritan, often more Pre-Millennial, more pro-Israel) refused to go back in an Anglo-Catholic direction. So in 1662 they estimate 2500 Anglican ministers resigned – many of them moving to America. So, in one day, England moved in a more traditional Anglo-Catholic, A-Millennial and indifferent to Israel direction; while most of the Puritans – who were more pre-millennial and pro-Israel went to America.
Now this is where I move to THE RAPTURE. Traditionally, Pre-Millennialists and A-Millennialists (prior to the C20th) all agreed the RAPTURE of the church took place after the great tribulation. No one really thought like “THE LEFT BEHIND” books and movies. There are actually two types of PRE-MILLENNIALISM. Historic Pre-Millennialism believes the church is raptured at the end of Revelation. Dispensational Pre-Millennialism believes the church is raptured at the beginning of Revelation.
Dispensational Pre-Millennialism began in Ireland in the 1860s and was brought to America by a pastor named John Nelson Darby. IN THE 1870’S AND 1880’s he led a conference each year at Niagara Falls where he introduced Dispensational Pre-Millennialism. FIRST, Darby divided all of the Bible into seven different “DISPENSATIONS” or “AGES”. Hence the name dispensationalism. He taught God relates to His people in a slightly different way in each dispensation. SECOND he taught Israel and the church are completely DIFFERENT entities – with DIFFERENT programs of salvation. So he made a big distinction between the church and Israel. FINALLY, he taught the church would be taken to heaven right near the beginning of Revelation. This was all new. In my opinion it has not been taught anywhere in the history of the church – prior to 1860-1870. It was new and it was novel.
But somehow Darby’s Dispensational Theology got incorporated as footnotes in the Schofields Study Bible. From about 1910-1960 this was the MOST POPULAR study Bible in America. So everyone who bought a Schofields Study Bible – started consuming Dispensational Pre-Tribulation Rapture without even knowing it. So America began A) with Historic Pre-Millennialism because all the Puritans left England in the 1600’s. But then they became B) Dispensational Pre-Millennialists in the 1900’s thanks to Darby and Scofield.
Now I’m not going to break Christian fellowship with someone because they are Dispensational Christians any-more than I would break fellowship with an A-Millennial Christian. But I’m now going to give you three reasons why I don’t believe in a pre-tribulation rapture.
Point 1: The Rapture does not Happen until the General Resurrection
Show: 1Thess.4:15-17 (READ)
Explain: Well, Paul says that AT THE TRUMPET CALL – A) the dead in Christ will rise first and then B) united with those who are still alive – THE CHURCH will be snatched up to Jesus in the air. This is the idea of the rapture. Now this idea of the rapture happens in several Bible passages – including Matthew 24. Jesus says; “Two men will be in the field, one will be taken (ie to heaven) and one will be left behind.” So the idea of the rapture is present in the Bible. But when does it happen?
All dispensational pastors tend to appeal to 1 Thessalonians 4 & 2 Thessalonians 2 to support their belief that the rapture happens before the great tribulation and antichrist. Like I said this was a new idea and I intend to show you it’s not really supported by Scripture.
Apply: Nowif you look again at 1 Thessalonians 4 you’ll see that nothing in the text supports the idea of a pre-tribulation rapture. Paul simply says that with the call of an archangel the dead in Christ will rise and the rapture will happen. No where does Paul say the rapture will happen before the great tribulation
But I do believe Paul tells us the RAPTURE happens after the tribulation because – Paul says (verse 16) the dead in Christ will rise first, then the rapture will take place. So the rapture does not take place until the resurrection of the dead. When is that? Well there are three Bible passages – Daniel 12; John 5 and Revelation 20 that tell us the resurrection of believers and unbelievers happens at the same time. And Daniel 12 & Revelation 20 tell us the resurrection of BELIEVERS and UNBELIEVERS happen after the tribulation. But the dispensationalist says no A SPECIAL RESURRECTION of just Christians happens at the rapture (before the tribulation). But that means they ARE now contradicting three other bible passages that say the resurrection of believers and unbelievers happens at the same time, at the end of time.
Apply: I believe A) 1 Thessalonians 4 perfectly aligns with B) 1 Corinthians 15, In 1 Corinthians 15 Paul says at the last trumpet, the dead will rise and we are who still alive at that point will be changed – for the perishable must be clothed with the imperishable. Paul clearly says 1) this resurrection/rapture event will happen at the last trumpet. But the dispensationalist says the last trumpet doesn’t really mean last trumpet. The rapture actually happens before any of the trumpets in Revelation.
Now at one level, when THE RAPTURE does or does not take place may not be significant. If you choose to believe in pre-tribulation rapture that’s ultimately up to you. But as a WATCHMAN in the church my job is to point out what I believe is ERROR. I am doing this because 16x in Revelation – Christians are told they must OVERCOME. Twice we are told to be faithful to the point of death. Yet, many Christians believe most of Revelation DOES NOT REALLY APPLY TO THEM because they will be raptured pre-tribulation. I don’t agree and I want you to be ready for what might soon come…
Point 2: The Rapture will not Happen until Jesus comes with His Angels
Show: 2Thess.1:6-10 (Slide 10-11).
Explain: Well Paul is STILL TALKING about eschatology and Jesus’ return. And in the first bit of 2 Thessalonians 1 – Paul clearly talks about the church’s persecutions, trials and sufferings. The Thessalonian church is doing it tough. But Paul says in verse 7; Don’t worry – you’ll get relief from all your suffering – when Jesus comes with His powerful angels. Now when does Jesus comes with his powerful angels?
2 Thessalonians 1 clearly aligns with Revelation 19. At the end of Revelation, after the great tribulation, Jesus comes on a white horse with all the heaven angels following him (Rev.19:11-15). And we know 2 Thessalonians 1 is talking about Jesus’ return (after the tribulation) because verses 8-9 tell us that ON THE SAME DAY those who do not obey the gospel are going to reap everlasting destruction. So Paul is clearly saying THE CHURCH REMAINS ON EARTH until Jesus comes in final judgment. There is no other way TO SLICE AND DICE this passage. As you can see RELIEF for the Christian church comes – when Jesus comes with his powerful angels AND on that SAME DAY unbelievers reap destruction.
GOSPEL: Now if you are here today and you’re not a Christian – all this must be very confusing. I’m sorry. Please notice 2 Thess.1:8 in yellow. When Jesus returns to A) judge the world and B) gather the church to himself its says he is going to punish those who do NOT obey the gospel. GOSPEL means good news and the good news is Jesus died on the cross for your sins. None of us are good enough for heaven. All of us have sinned against God and deserve his judgment. But when Jesus died on the cross he was taking the punishment for all your sins. He did this for you, because he loves you. So God says that if your repent of your sins, try to obey Jesus and believe this gospel – you will be forgiven and God will take you to heaven when Jesus returns. Now will you obey this gospel? If you would like to – please come and speak to me…
APPLY: But returning to the Christians in the room, I want to remind you Scripture interprets Scripture. So if your INTERPRETATION of a particular passage in the Bible (ie 1 Thessalonians 4) can’t be reconciled with other passages in the Bible (ie 2 Thessalonions 1) – you have to conclude your interpretation MUST be wrong because Scripture does NOT contradict itself. In my opinion 1 & 2 Thessalonians are both saying the rapture does not happen until the the resurrection of the dead AND/OR until Jesus comes in glory with his holy the rapture happens post tribulation….
Point 3: The Rapture will not Happen until after the Antichrist
Show: 2 Thess.2:1-4 (READ)
Explain: Now notice Paul is still talking about when Jesus gathers the church to himself. But Paul says THAT DAY (of rapture) will not happen until A) the rebellion occurs and B) the man of lawlessness is revealed. The word rebellion is literally apostasy or falling away. The general belief is much of the church will fall away in unbelief and apostasy because of growing persecution. So Paul says the rapture will NOT take place until after the falling away of the church. Then Paul also says the church will not be raptured until the man of lawlessness is revealed. This man of lawlessness is the ANTICHRIST. Like the antichrist figure in Daniel 11 – he exalts himself in Gods temple and proclaims himself to be God. This means A) the great apostasy and B) the antichrist happen before the church is raptured.
Now the antichrist doesn’t appear until the middle of Revelation. So the earliest the church can be raptured is mid-tribulation, not pre-tribulation. But I’ve also shown you that if the rapture happens at the time of the general resurrection and Jesus coming with his powerful angels (in judgment of unbelievers) – the rapture must be post tribulation. Either way Dispensational Pre-Tribulation Rapture theology does not really agree with Scripture.
But to be entirely fair to Dispensational scholars (and I do want to be fair) – we need to look at 2 Thess.2:6-8. Pre-Tribulation rapture pastors interpret these verses in a special, but unjustified way. Let me show you 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 (2Thess.2:6-8; Slide 13-14). Now verse 7 – clearly talks about “SOMETHING” holding back lawlessness and the antichrist? It says “the one who now holds it back.” SO SOMETHING is holding back the antichrist. And Paul says – once this thing holding back the Antichrist is removed then the Antichrist will be revealed. But what is holding him back?
Paul doesn’t tell us. Theoretically, it could be the ARCHANGEL MICHAEL – because Michael defeats Satan in Revelation 12. It could also BE JESUS (because it appears to be Jesus) who holds back the spiritual prince of Persia in Daniel 10. The point is we are not told what is holding back the Antichrist. There are many PLAUSIBLE answers. But dispensational pastors say the church is holding back the Antichrist. The church is what is stopping lawlessness from spreading. So, they argue that when the church is raptured and taken to heaven – then the Antichrist will appear. But in my OPINION this suggestion is impossible because they have just interpreted verse 7 in such a way that directly contradicts verse 3.
Verse 3 clearly says; “Don’t let anyone deceive you – the church is not raptured until after the Antichrist.” But Dispensational pastors interpretation of verse 7 says the church is raptured before the antichrist. So that is now THE OPPOSITE of what Paul said in verse 3. So should we listen to the Apostle Paul or should we listen to Dispensational pastors? I’d say we should never interpret one part of Scripture in such a way that it directly contradicts another part of Scripture – (especially NOT in the same chapter). That’s crazy stuff.
But we also have A FURTHER PROBLEM. Let me SHOW YOU (Slide 16; 2Thess.2:1 & 2:8)
The problem is the Dispensational pastor needs to convince us A) that the coming of Jesus in verse 1 is B) a sompletely different coming of Jesus to verse 8. That’s right! In order to defend pre-trib rapture you MUST believe the first coming of Jesus (in verse 1) is before the tribulation AND the second coming of Jesus (in verse 8) is after the tribulation. Yet, there is absolutely NOTHING in 2 Thessalonians 2 to defend two separate comings in this one chapter. So on a plain reading of Scripture THE RAPTURE of the church doesn’t happen until the defeat of the antichrist. Now that means the rapture MUST be post tribulation (and that means we all need to live right through Revelation).
Apply: Now I know I have been deconstructing some elements of A-Millennialism and Dispensational Pre-Millennialism today AND this may NOT make me popular. It’s hard when our beliefs are challenged. So I’m not expecting any of you to immediately change your eschatological position (based on one sermon). But I am expecting you to be honest, fair-dinkum Bereans who carefully study the Scriptures. I’ve now given you three good reasons why a Pre-Tribulation rapture does NOT make sense. But I admit it took me a long, long time before I shifted from A-Millennialism to what is HISTORIC PRE-MILLENNIALISM. IF YOU GOOGLE Historic Pre-Millennialism – you will see it still believes in the future salvation of Israel, but it believes in a post-tribulation rapture.
BUT the reason I did this today is I want you to take Jesus words in Revelation about overcoming seriously. A-Millennialists often so emphasize Jesus’ victory at the cross – that they conclude the great tribulation will just be a walk in the park. Meanwhile Dispensational Pre-Millennialists don’t worry about the great tribulation because they believe they’ll all be sitting back drinking cocktails in heaven. This concerns me. I see a Western Church totally unprepared to suffer for Christ and unprepared for what may be coming on the world. So this is a wake up call – to take Jesus’ call to overcome – seriously.
But let me say something else that may sound dumb. I think A-Millennialism and Dispensational Pre-Millennialism struggle with the same problem. They both fail to get the Church-Israel relationship right. A-MILLENNIALISM turns the Church and Israel into one thing with no distinctions. BUT DISPENSATIONAL PRE-MILLENNIALISM totally separates the church and Israel – so that they becomes two different things. It is almost like Jesus is returning for two different brides (not one). First Jesus gathers the church, then 7 years later Jesus gathers Israel. But Jesus is not a polygamist. He has one bride (made up of Jews and Gentiles) whom he is coming to take to Himself. THE PROBLEM for both A-Millennialism and Dispensational Pre-Millennialism is that they both oversimplify the very nuanced Jew-Gentile relationship.
The idea, that God would rapture the church (the olive tree and the grafted branches) of Romans 1 before the natural branches are grated back in – just makes no sense. If the Olive tree and grafted branches are in heaven what are the natural branches being grafted back into? Friends, Pre-Tribulation rapture theology is NOT supported by the plain reading of the passages they usually claim support their case. But the good news for all of us – is that if we are not raptured we may actually get to see the salvation of ALL Israel with our own eyes. And that is something I hope I get to see.