South Sydney Anglican Church

The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Rev 1:5 “The Faithful Witness, the Firstborn from the Dead, the Ruler of the Kings of the Earth”)

Bible Passage: Revelation 9:1-21

Gods Judgment comes Like a Roaring Army from Babylon

Intro:              Well morning friends and visitors. My name is Matt Johnson and today we are continuing our study of Revelation and the end of the world. In Revelation 9 we witness a Noah-like flood. Or to put it another way God gives the world DEMONS because the world has chosen to worship DEMONS, instead of the true God.

Prayer:             Well how close are we to the end of the world? These days NASA spends huge amounts of money mapping every “Near Earth Object” that flies through space – because even a relatively small asteroid – could make us all like the dinosaurs. Right now, the United Nations is pushing everyone to cut their carbon emissions because the 2.7 degree Celsius change we are tracking towards by the end of the century is supposed to be life ending. Last month, we had a MID-SIZE SOLAR FLARE from the sun erupt directly towards earth. It created some of the most beautiful northern and southern lights ever seen. But with this beauty comes great danger. If one of the larger solar flares (that regularly erupt from the sun) – was directly facing earth – it would be lights out for one whole side of our planet. This is NOT even to mention the fact that more and more unstable nations are developing nuclear weapons. So how long?

Most people scoff (at this question) thinking the world will never really come to an end. Things will just go on forever as they have since the beginning of the world. BUT AS THE APOSTLE PETER writes in 2 Peter 3; they intentionally forget the flood. In Noahs day God brought the world to an end – because of great evil.

So as we begin today, I want to speak about Noah’s flood because it is linked to Revelation 8 & 9. Now as I speak – some of the things I say are going to seem OUTLANDISH and STUPID. This is largely because we believe there is no world beyond what we can measure with our five senses. But the Bible is clear that there is an evil spiritual realm all around us capable of more than we can imagine…

So let me show you Genesis 6. (Slide 1; Genesis 6:4-5). Well, who are these SONS OF GOD, who are having offspring with daughters of men. Some scholars & pastors try to say THE SONS OF GOD is just poetic language for normal men. But why would God get upset about men having babies with women. It doesn’t really make sense? The Bible only uses the phraseSONS OF GOD” 3 other times in the book of Job and every time it refers to angels (Job.1:6; 2:1; 38:7). So as crazy as it sounds – it appears that FALLEN ANGELS were having offspring with women in the days of Noah.

Now in 2 Peter 2; the apostle Peter writes (Slide 2 – 2 Peter 2:4-6). THE POINT in 2 Peter 2 is that God knows how to punish those who do evil. But the text seems to be in chronological order. First, the angels, then the flood, then Sodom. So what did fallen angels do prior to the flood, worthy of getting them locked up in Tartarus (or the Abyss)? The book of Jude also says. (Slide 3; Jude 1:6-7). The words in a similar way are significant. This is saying the angels gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion (in a similar way) to the men in Sodom who gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion.

Now I admit that I am trying to draw conclusions from just a few Bible verses. But at the very least we know God locked up some fallen angels around the time of Noah in a place called Tartarus or the Abyss. We also know this prison (or Abyss) was utterly terrifying for demons. When Jesus met the man Legion (possessed by demons) – the demons begged Jesus not to send them into THE ABYSS (Lk.8:31). So THE ABYSS seems to be a prison for fallen angels. This is NOT Hades. Nor is this hell. And I am giving you this background because this prison or Abyss gets opened in Revelation 9…

Now there is a Jewish book named 1 ENOCH that writes about the angels being locked in the Abyss in the days of Noah. 1 ENOCH also has an incredibly HIGH CHRISTOLOGY as it writes about one like a son of Man approaching the Ancient of Days (similar to Daniel).

Now 1 Enoch has NEVER been considered Scripture by Jews or Christians. (Nor am I saying it should be). But copies of 1 Enoch were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran proving its antiquity. We also know that 1 ENOCH was a well-known Jewish book (and well-regarded Jewish book) because Jude quotes 1 Enoch in the Bible. 1 Enoch says; 200 angels entered a covenant with each other to destroy the world by revealing to man the secrets of heaven and by having children with the daughters of men. In punishment – God then locked these 200 angels (and their Nephilim offspring) in the Abyss until the end of the world. (Now Enoch explains these 200 angels do not represent all fallen angels. But they were some of the most powerful angels). SO 1 Enoch then describes how God flooded the world AND how these fallen angels were imprisoned in the Abyss.

Now come back with me to Genesis 7 (Slide Rev.7:11). Now as you can see in the flood – water fell from the heavens and water came up from the deep. In Revelation 8-9 fire falls from heaven and fire comes up from the deep. Then in Genesis 7:24 it says (Slide 6 – Gen.7:24, 8:3). That’s 5 months. Similarly, in Revelation 8-9 we are told that in this fiery flood people are afflicted for – 5 months… The same time…

Now there is so much going on in this passage today – that I simply can’t deal with it all. But against this BACKDROP of the flood, my first point today is that…

Point 1:         God Brings up an Army from the Abyss to Punish the Earth

Show:                        Rev.9:1-5 (READ)

Explain:         Well friends, the locust plagues in Revelation 9 hark back to locust plagues in Exodus 10 and Joel 2. But this LOCUST PLAGUE is like Gods flood. In Revelation 8 we see fire fall from the sky. In Revelation 9, we see fire coming up from the depths of the Abyss. This is a flood of fire. But this flood of fire is actually fallen angels. Talk about MIXING your METAPHORS. This is like a Salvadore Dali painting (Slide 9). So like all good art lets stand back and take another look…

(Slide 10) In Revelation 9:1 you can see that A STAR falls from the sky. THIS STAR is then given a key to unlock the Abyss. (Now I’m not going to rehash the sermon from last week). But Satan’s name Lucifer means morning star (Isa.14). When Michael kicks the wicked angels out of heaven in Revelation 12, they fall to earth like fallen stars. And even in Revelation 1 – Jesus says the seven stars in his right hand are the 7 angels of the seven churches. So letting Scripture interpret ScriptureWE KNOW that we are looking at wicked angels falling from the sky and coming up from the Abyss. This is a fiery flood of demons…

But this is also an INVASION FROM BABYLON. If you have your Bibles open you’ll see in Revelation 9:14 – that God releases four angels at the river EUPHRATES – who lead a great army into battle. Now this is one of the favourite Bible passages for pastors claiming the Armageddon army comes from Iraq or Iran or even Russia. But the mention of the Euphrates is significant because in the Old Testament the armies of Babylon had to cross the Euphrates to bring Gods judgment on Israel. So by referring to the Euphrates (John is seeing) that this spiritual army of demons is Gods tool of judgment – like the armies of Babylon. In Ezekiel 11, God brings judgment on Israel with armies from Babylon. But where does God get an army to bring judgment against THE WHOLE WORLD for worshiping demons? Its not Russia. Its not China. It’s the underworld…

Let me show you what my 3 COMMENTARIES on Revelation all say about Revelation 9. (This is just to prove that I’m not completely kooky – because I know what you’re thinking…). Robert Mounce writes (Slide 11; Mounce). Thomas Schreiner says (Slide 12; Schreiner). G.K Beale writes; (Slide 13; Beale).

Now please note – Beales final point is very important. Right at the beginning of Revelation we were told Jesus holds the keys of Death and Hades (Rev.1:17). So if an evil angel now has the keys to the Abyss its only because Jesus gave it to them. SO, WHATEVER the fallen angels are up to – it’s only because Jesus allows it – for some greater good. The world has chosen to worship demons, so Jesus is giving the world DEMONS so that we can taste and see if demons are good. Hopefully a few people will wake up to their stupidity and repent. 1) So this is the beginning of the flood 2.0. 2) This is the beginning of a Babylon-esque invasion. 3) But this is also the last wake-up call for the world to repent…

Apply:            Now there is so much going on in this passage – that I can only make a few additional comments. You’re going to have to do some work. FIRST, the angel who opens the Abyss is probably SATAN. In the Bible A) the depths of the sea and B) the Abyss are often equal concepts. So in Revelation 13 – we see Satan standing on the shore of the sea AND a beast comes up out of the sea. So if the Abyss and the sea are parallels in Revelation – then the ANGEL in chapter 9 is Satan and the BEAST in chapter 13 is Apollyon or Abaddon. Now in the book of Job the word “ABADDON” is linked to death, destruction, Sheol and Hades. So Satan (now has an evil side-kick) to work with him. Let me show you what Revelation says about the Beast (Slide 14; Rev.11:7 & 17:8). So we know the beast who will soon play A MAJOR ROLE in Revelation is one of the demons that has come out of the Abyss and most probably it is Apollyon because He is King of the Abyss. Now APOLLYON is having a death and resurrection type of experience – after millennia in the Abyss. So this may also be the spirit of Antichrist.

Now as we witness all this – we need to remember THESE DEMONS have no power to hurt people who have been sealed by God. They can only hurt people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. This is the seal of the Holy Spirit. (GOSPEL) When Jesus died on the cross he paid for our sins. We all deserve to be punished by God. We all deserve to die and have demons torment us forever. But when Jesus died on the cross – he took the punishment for everything we have done wrong – so that we can be saved. Our sins have been paid for by Jesus. So if we believe Jesus died for us – God promises to forgive us, he promises to give us eternal life and He promises to come into our life by the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that those who truly believe in Jesus as Saviour and Lord (are sealed by the Holy Spirit) as a deposit guaranteeing our salvation (Eph.1:13-15). So the ONE in true Christians is more powerful than Satan…

This means that as Satan (and his minions) try to get us to commit apostasy and deny Jesus – we are protected 1) by the seal of the Holy Spirit and 2) the spiritual armour of God. Now if you know you’re going into a spiritual battle with demons – you make sure you carefully put on  the armour of God. You sharpen your sword and you check the straps of your armour. ESPECIALLY A) the helmet of salvation and B) the breastplate of salvation – because demonic attack primarily hits our heads and our hearts. Demons work through lies (attacking your mind) in order to create despair (in your heart). Now if you look at verse 6 – you’ll see non-Christians who are being attacked are beginning to despair of life (and long to die). In a world full of lies they are becoming hopeless and suicidal. So as this battle begins expect to see significant mental health problems emerging. Hopelessness. But also remember all this is still happening to elevator music.

 Point 2:         God is Beginning to Avenge the Blood of His People

Show:                        Rev.9:12-16 (READ)

Explain:         Well with the 6th trumpet – people begin to die – literally. In fact, with the 6th trumpet – 1/3 of the world seems to die fairly quickly. If you are still alive at this point – you may witness the beginning of ARMAGEDDON. It seems that after 5 months of intense deception and affliction the fallen angels lead the world into a huge war – where a third of humanity is killed. This will be the war to end all wars. True to their name-sakes Satan, Apollyon and the demons start mounting an army hell-bent on death and destruction.

But this is also the beginning of God avenging the blood of the martyrs. As you can see – verse 12 saysthe first woe is past; two other woes are yet to come.” The woes seem to be directed against those who persecute Gods people. The first woe – seems to be the Abyss being opened and THE 5 MONTHS of spiritual attack that comes explicitly against non-Christians. The second woe happens in Revelation 11. After the beast kills Gods two faithful witnesses and the earth-dwellers glory in our death – a severe earthquake takes place killing 7000 of them. Blood for blood. This is the second woe. The third woe (is a threefold woe) declared in Revelation 18 – upon Babylon and the Harlot church for what they have done to Gods people. As the third woe takes place – God says – “pay her back double for what she has done.So as the three woes unfold – God is also avenging our blood…

 Apply:            Now again, let me make a few additional comments that you will need to research further. In verse 18 – you’ll see that it says “a third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that came out of the horses mouths.What is coming out of the demon’s MOUTHS is death and hell. What comes out of Jesus’ mouth is eternal life and heaven. Demons speak LIES that lead to hell. Jesus speaks truth that leads to heaven. So as the demons are speaking the fires of hell are beginning to be lit…

In verse 19 – we are told the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails. Again, notice power is in their mouths. The irony is that the tail of the horses is also like the head of the snake – which has a forked tongue like Satan. So the demonic horses have lies and deception coming out the front and lies and deception coming out the rear. These demonic horses sound like one huge machine of misinformation and disinformation. If you sow enough lies and deception you can create division. Then if you can completely polarise people on issues like abortion and sexual rights and the environment (even Trump vs Kamala) – you can get brothers and sisters to hate on each other. Even accuse one another of things like genocide and antisemitism – and if the spiritual realm presses those buttons long enough eventually someone presses a real button. When Abaddon is released it will not be long before death and destruction follows…

In such circumstances (which we are seeing more and more in this world) Christians need to be PEACE-MAKERS. Jesus said blessed are the peace-makers. Jesus did not say “Blessed are those who polarise and self-righteously decry their brother.Now of course, in a world where the demonic begins to speak more and more lies – Gods people will need the sword of the Spirit (which is the Word of God) more than ever. We must remain true to Gods word. But faithful witnesses don’t scream Gods word in other people’s faces. Like Jesus we must speak with humility, grace, love and gentleness. Perhaps even tears. But there should not be a skerrick of the self-righteous, polarising, hateful, vengeful speech we now see all around us. Please friends be careful with your tongues. We are not for division. But for peace…

 Point 3:         God is Ringing the Alarm Bell (but still People will NOT Repent)

Show:                        Rev.9:20-21 (READ)

Explain:         Friends, finally we see in Revelation 9 – God is not only bringing judgment, He is still showing grace. By putting the world into a period of GREAT TRIBULATION shortly before the final judgment – God is humbling us one last time in the hope that some people may repent. How gracious is our God? How far is a He willing to go to save wretches like us from hell?

Even as the world chooses to worship DEMONS instead of the true God, God gives us one last chance to reconsider our choice. We worship demons and so God gives us demons – in the hope that we might recognize our STUPIDITY. Do we really want eternity with 1)hope stealing, destructive, tormenting demons OR 2) will we return to the true God who gives life? This is everyone’s choice to make?

But you need to understand that there is A DEMON behind Allah and a demon behind Buddha. There are DEMONS in Hinduism and there are DEMONS in new age spirituality. And perhaps the biggest DEMON is now in the new religion of SECULARISM. Secularism claims that it affirms life and common sense while sacrificing ONE THIRD of all babies in the womb (to a demon). Secularism is no different to worship of Molech in the Old Testament. In Ezekiel 16 and 23 – God accuses Israel of being A HARLOT who sacrifices her unwanted children to idols and demons. Yet we do it too. Every abortion is a murder. It is a sacrifice to the demon of death and destruction. What’s more, our MAGIC ARTS no longer happen around a witches cauldron. (The word magic arts is literally pharmakeia from which we get the words pharmacy and pharmaceuticals). So our magic arts now take place in sterile scientific laboratories. But please understand that turning little boys into little girls with puberty blockers is secular witchcraft. Trying to develop cures for cancer by creating human embryonic stem cells from unborn babies in IVF is pure witchcraft. It is parasitic.

It is taking life from others to give life to ourselves. That is the essence of a demon. It’s parasitic. Even THE SEXUAL IMMORALITY that is meant to be so liberating – is now life denying. Again, thanks largely to the witchcraft of pharmakeia – FERTILITY RATES around the world are plummeting. We are no longer procreating. Even our green policy is becoming parasitic as we force third world countries to follow our western standards – while their children starve. What’s more, even THE ECONOMIC POLICY of most western nations is now PURE THEFT. We are stealing from our own children and grandchildren (creating debts that they can never repay) so we can have the best, most comfortable life now. Again, that is parasitic. That is demonic.

But what should we expect. JESUS SAID Satan comes only to steal, kill and destroy. But I have come so that they may have life, even life to the full (Jn.10:10). If you want to know whether you are worshiping the true God or worshiping a demon – its easy to tell the difference. Demons demand that you take life from others in order to have the good life yourself. Demons are parasitic. But Jesus gave his life for the good of others upon the cross (and he demands that Christians give our lives for others) – so that they too may have eternal life. THE BIG DIFFERENCE is that 1) Jesus calls us to sacrifice ourself so others can have life, 2) while demons call us to sacrifice others so that we can have life ourselves. And welcome to our modern world… 1) the worship of demons, 2 the self-righteous murder of babies, 3) more pharmakeia than we know what to do with, 4) sexual immorality (sufficient to make Sodom blush) and 5) gross theft – even of our own children and grandchildren. If God was right to punish Israel in 597BC with Babylon, I believe God is right to judge the western world right now with demons. In such a world as this – perhaps its time to say “Come, Lord Jesus, Come.

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