Jesus calls Christians to remain Faithful Witnesses (even unto Death)
Intro: Well morning church family. My name is Matt Johnson and today we are CONTINUING a study of Revelation. We began studying Revelation in September 2022 and you can find the sermons for Revelation 1-3 on our Youtube channel. I also believe our sermon series on Romans 9-11 (on YouTube; November 2020) is essential listening if you want to divide Gods Word correctly in Revelation. So with that said – let pray;
Prayer: Well Open Doors is a Christian Missionary Organization that supports Christians around the world who face persecution and martyrdom.
Point 1: Revelation is a Prophecy about what will Soon take Place
Show: Rev.1:1-3 (READ)
Explain: Well a couple of things. First this book (verse 1) is a REVELATION given to Jesus by God – so that he could show his servants (Christians) what would soon take place. AND Jesus makes this REVELATION known to all of us through the apostle John. Now Christian scholars debate whether John wrote this book during Nero’s persecution of the church in 64-68AD or during Domitian’s persecution of the church between 85-96AD. I slightly lean towards the earlier date – because there is no clear reference to the destruction of Jerusalem which took place in 70AD. I think Revelation was written before Jerusalem was destroyed.
NEXT please note that verse 3 calls Revelation – PROPHECY. It says; blessed is the person who reads aloud this prophecy. Now prophecy involves forthtelling AND foretelling AND it is the normal kind of speech that we find in Scripture. When people speak on behalf of God, while carried along by the Holy Spirit – it is called prophecy. 6 times in the last ten verses of Revelation – the book is called prophecy, prophecy, prophecy… So this book is simply a prophetic book – like most other books in the Bible.
But many Christian scholars focus on the word “Revelation” in verse 1. Verse 1 says “the Revelation of Jesus Christ”. Now the Greek word for revelation is apokalupsis from which we get the word apocalyptic. So many people say “Oh, Revelation is apocalyptic literature and it has to be understood differently to all other scripture. They say silly things like it is allegory and you can’t accept the plain meaning of the text.”
Now I’m not denying that there are SYMBOLS and METAPHORS and WORD PICTURES in Revelation. But I can show you symbols, metaphors and word pictures in all of Scripture. I also know that when people start interpreting Revelation allegorically – they always, always, always end up interpreting Romans 11, 2 Thessalonians 2 and much of the Old Testament allegorically as well. So beware – BS.
The word – apokalupsis or revelation is a very normal word in the Bible. It is used about 10x in the New Testament and it simply means to reveal something that was hidden or unknown. But the way some scholars handle Revelation its like they add darkness in order to conceal, rather than to reveal. So as much as we can – we are going to try to interact with Revelation as we would normal Scripture….
Now thankfully, the Revelation given to John clearly mirrors another Revelation given to Daniel in 536BC. (Slide 5-6; Dan.10:1, 5). Now if you compare this to Revelation 1:13-15 you’ll see the person speaking to Daniel and to John is described in the exact same language. So a reasonable conclusion is that Jesus is speaking in both Revelations.
Now Jesus goes on and says to Daniel; (Slide 6 – ENTER). So Jesus gives Daniel and John a revelation of what is soon to take place… Now in Daniel 10-11 Jesus shows Daniel everything that is going to happen over the next 350 years. Jesus basically explains everything that will happen to the Jews between 536BC and 165BC – including the Persian Empire, the Greek Empire, the Ptolemies, the Seleucids, the destruction of the Jewish Temple and the Maccabean revolt.
Now if you read Daniel 11 – before these events unfolded in history – you’d say it all sounds just like Revelation. Kings are going to the north and kings to the south. Unholy covenants are being formed. The Jewish temple is desecrated and a kind of Armageddon erupts. You might even conclude this is just one big ALLEGORY speaking about the overarching battle between good and evil. But you’d be wrong. EVERY EVENT prophesied in Daniel 11 can be tied to real historical events in Persian, Greek, Jewish and Roman history. In fact, Daniel 11 is fulfilled so accurately from 536BC to 165BC that most scholars think Daniel had to be written after the fact – because no one can foretell the future this accurately. But as I’ve explained in other sermons – recent discoveries of Daniel in the Dead Sea Scrolls – kind of prove Daniel really did foretell the future.
But here’s the point for today. THE FACT that Jesus appears to Daniel and John in the EXACT SAME WAY – giving them both revelations of what is about to happen – leads me to conclude that they will also be fulfilled in the EXACT SAME WAY – in history, in real historical events. THE TEMPLE was not an allegory in Daniel 11 and I don’t think it is an allegory in Revelation 11. PLEASE REMEMBER – Scripture interprets Scripture. Daniel 10-11 undeniably foretells world events coming up to Jesus first coming and Revelation seems to be foretelling world events coming up to Jesus’ second coming.
Apply: Now like all prophecy, Revelation includes elements of forthtelling and elements of foretelling. THE FORTHTELLING ELEMENT of Revelation which explains what we must do is found largely, but not exclusively, in the letters to the seven churches. (Slide 7). But Revelation (like all prophecy) also includes elements of foretelling. So some of the things Jesus tells us in advance include (Slide 8). But despite all this content;
Point 2: Revelation is about Jesus; the faithful Witness; the firstborn from Dead; the Ruler of all the Earth.
Show: Rev.1:4-5 (READ)
Explain: Well as you can see – Jesus is identified as – 1) the faithful witness, 2) the firstborn from the dead and 3) the ruler of the Kings of the earth. Now I’d like to suggest that – these three titles of Jesus actually form a very helpful framework for the entire book of Revelation. Revelation 1-11 is about Jesus THE FAITHFUL WITNESS to the church. Like Ezekiel – Jesus is THE WATCHMAN (on the wall) giving warning to all Christians about what is soon coming. Then Revelation 12-15 is about Jesus being THE FIRSTBORN FORM THE DEAD – with the promise that those who die like Jesus as faithful witnesses will also rise like Jesus. Then the third section Revelation 16-22 is all about Jesus being THE RULER OF THE KINGS OF THE EARTH – who overcomes the corrupt kings, the beast, the false prophet and Satan to usher in his perfect reign.
So let me give you some more details about each of these THREE SECTIONS in Revelation – so that hopefully you can begin to see it for yourself.
Slide 12
Slide 13
Slide 14
Really the Jesus story in Revelation is like the gospel. We know that Jesus was the faithful witness who bore testimony to Gods Kingdom and Gods coming judgment. As the faithful witness Jesus called people to REPENT of their sin and BELIEVE in him as Saviour and Lord. BUT the Kings of the earth bandied together with the Jewish priests (who played the harlot) and put Jesus to death. Of course, this was all part of Gods plan to save us.
(GOSPEL) As Jesus died on the cross, he was paying the penalty for all our sin. Jesus took the punishment for all our wrongdoing so that we can be saved and go to heaven. Jesus did this for you because he loves you. Jesus’ faithful witness – was that everyone who believes in him and repents of their sin will be saved. NOW A) the kings of the earth and B)the religious harlot thought they were stopping Jesus’ rule and Jesus’ kingdom. But Jesus rose again and became THE FIRSTBORN FROM THE DEAD with a real resurrection body. Then Jesus also ascended into heaven and was given all authority in heaven and on earth. Jesus is the RULER to whom everyone will one day answer including the kings of the earth; the religious harlot, you and me. So at one level Revelation is telling us the gospel story. But at another level Revelation is prophetically telling our story. Revelation is calling us to remain FAITHFUL WITNESSES like Jesus even if it costs us our life, because then like Jesus we too will rise from the dead and then we will reign with Jesus in the New Jerusalem forever…
Apply: Some of the big questions in Revelation include have we really heeded Jesus’ call to repent of our sin and overcome evil. Unlike dispensationalists – I don’t believe the seven churches represent the seven ages of the global church. Rather, I believe the seven churches represent the totality of churches in every age. Many churches are sick. Many churches are luke-warm. Many churches today accept worldly compromise, sexual immorality and blatant idolatry. SADLY, many of these churches are more like THE HARLOT in Revelation 18, rather than the TRUE BRIDE OF CHRIST in Revelation 21.
The other big question of Revelation – is are we still being faithful witnesses to Jesus – even as 1) the kings of the earth and 2) the harlot of the established church makes it harder to share the gospel. Are we willing to become martyrs?
Point 3: Revelation speaks of the Jews and this MUST not be Allegorised
Show: Rev.1:7 (READ)
Explain: Well we are now going to do SOME HEAVY LIFTING thinking about the Jewish people. So please note I have quoted the English Standard Version because it is the ONLY translation that translates this passage in a way that is true to the Greek. If you look at your NIV Bibles – you’ll see it says verse 7; “all the people of the earth will mourn because of him.” But the Greek literally says “all the tribes”. And in every other place this Greek word appears in Revelation (and there are about 15 occurrences) it is always translated TRIBES. So why does NIV and most Bibles translate the word “all the tribes” – as “all the peoples”?
Well please note; the word “EARTH” can also be translated “LAND” (ENTER). The only way to work out if it should be translated earth or land is context. In Revelation – the Greek word is translated earth about 60% of the time and land about 40% of the time. So Revelation 1:7 could be translated “Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all the tribes of the land will wail on account of him.”
But this very plausible translation has a BIG PROBLEM. The minute you translate it “all the tribes of the land” – it suddenly sounds a bit too Jewish for many people’s taste. The word TRIBES – makes us think of the 12 tribes of Israel. The word “LAND” makes us think of the promised land of Israel. So, we immediately face a big question? Should this be translated “all the peoples of the earth” OR “all the tribes of the land”? OR to put it another way – does Revelation still have something to say about the Jews as a people and nation?
Well, lets consider some facts – from Scripture. First of all Jesus also refers to his coming on the clouds in Matthew 24 and Luke 21. So look with me at Matthew 24 (Slide 16; Matt.24:30). PLEASE NOTICE I have again quoted the English Standard Version – because it is again the only translation that is true to the actual Greek words. TRIBES is the correct translation and again, the word “EARTH” could be translated LAND. There is only one other place in Matthew where the Greek word “tribes” is found and it is translated tribes in all translations (Matt.19:28). So why do translators translate this “peoples” instead of “tribes”? Unfortunately, Matthew 24 doesn’t give us much insight into who Jesus says will see him coming on the clouds.
But thankfully the parallel passage in Luke 21 – suggests it will be Jewish people. Look with me at Luke 21. (Slide 17 – Luke 21:21-27). This is clearly referring to the same event as Matthew 24. THE QUESTION IS – who is the “THEY” in verse 27 – that will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds. Some scholars argue (ENTER) that it is the people fainting from terror – who see Jesus coming. This is perhaps linguistically possible. But the more dominant antecedent for “THEY” in this passage is (ENTER) THE JEWS in the land of ISRAEL in verses 23-24. So I have now made a very reasonable, biblical argument (from Scripture) that Revelation 1 may be talking about Jewish people. Any true evangelical Christian who trembles at Gods Word MUST concede that Revelation 1:7 may have a Jewish focus.
So we now need to ask ourselves – are there any other passages in the Bible that suggest the Jews (at some point in the future) – recognize their mistake and come to faith in Jesus? (PAUSE). WELL OF COURSE, the answer is Romans 11. Let me quote Romans 11 to you. (Rom.11:25-29 – Slide 18). NOTICE, that Paul clearly says that after the full number of Gentiles have been saved, then a deliverer (ie Jesus) will come to Zion and all Israel will be saved.
Now we spent a lot of time in Romans 9-11 (end of 2020) for two reasons. First, I wanted to address some pride and antisemitism that still exists in the Gentile church. But second, we looked at Romans 9-11 in 2020 because I planned to preach Revelation in 2024. Until you take Romans 9-11 seriously, you are likely to get some things wrong in Revelation. Romans 11 – talks about ALL Israel being saved and Revelation 1:7 talks about all the tribes in the land – mourning when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds. Is it possible that they are talking about the same event?
Well let us now look at the passage – that Jesus alludes to in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Revelation 1. It’s Zechariah 12. Let me show you (Slide 19; Zech.12:10-12). Zechariah 12 tells us the people who pierced Jesus are the Jews. I don’t mean that in a derogatory way. If Jesus had of come to Australia, America or France we would have done the same thing to him. But the historical fact is the Jews were the ones who shouted Crucify, Crucfy. But Zechariah says – a time will come – when all the Jews will begin to mourn the one they rejected and pierced. The idea is that it will be like A NATIONAL DAY OF MOURNING – as each tribe and clan of Israel grieves. The fact that this is day of grace and supplication also suggests they may finally be repenting. Now some like to say that Zechariah 12 was fulfilled at Jesus death on the cross. But if so, why is John quoting it in Revelation as A FUTURE EVENT. THE POINT IS – the Bible does talk about a future en-masse salvation of the Jews. Zechariah 12, Luke 21 AND Romans 11 SUGGEST that this may even happen in the land of Israel.
Apply: So we shouldn’t be surprised if Revelation talks about the salvation of Jewish people in the last days. Nor should we be surprised if there are references to land of Israel. So look with me at Revelation 7 (Slide 20; Rev.7:3-4). THIS SEALING is meant to protect the Jewish people from the judgments that are about to come on the world. Yet sadly, many scholars interpret this allegorically and say Israel equals the church OR Israel equals the great multitude we see later in Revelation 7. Really? Is that the most natural conclusion given the testimony of Scripture?
Again in Revelation 14 we read (Slide 21; Rev.14:1-2). Now just about all scholars agree the 144,000 in Revelation 7 and Revelation 14 represent the same group of people. But now the 144,000 have the name of Jesus and Abba Father on their foreheads and they are playing HARPS in heaven. This is a picture of all Israel now saved?
Now this is my point. There may be many things in Revelation where we can AGREE to DISAGREE on some of the symbols and word pictures. But the words tribe, Israel, temple and Jerusalem are not symbols or word pictures. They were NOT allegories in Daniel 11 and they are not allegories in Revelation. JESUS 1) the faithful witness, 2) the firstborn from the dead and 3) the ruler of the kings of the earth is still first and foremost the Jewish Messiah. He was the Jewish Messiah at his first coming and he is still the Jewish Messiah at his second coming. We Gentiles are simply grafted into their glorious promises. Jesus warns us not to add or subtract anything from this book – because if we do he will either 1) add plagues or 2) subtract heaven from our accounts. Yet, through allegorical interpretations, that is what many people are doing. They are adding and subtracting things from the plain, biblical meanings of these words. So while I am happy for us to disagree on many things in Revelation, I am not happy for us to rob the Jews of words or promises that God has given specifically to them. Amen.