South Sydney Anglican Church

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Speaker: Matt Johnson


Matt Johnson

Senior Pastor at South Sydney Anglican Church

Sermons by Matt Johnson

  • 15 October 2023

    Speaker: Matt Johnson

    The Kingdom of God began at Jesus’ First Coming Show:    Luke 17:20-21 (READ) Explain: … read more

  • 24 September 2023

    Speaker: Matt Johnson

    So Jude finishes this section with the quote from 1 Enoch 1:9 – reminding us that God’s judgement for such people is coming.
    God alone is the Creator and going against His will DOES NOT produce fruit, it ONLY and ALWAYS reaps judgment. So be careful of man’s deception and angelic deception that leads you to indulge your desires. If Enoch is true – the angels in Noah’s day gave the people knowledge to chase after their fleshly desires – through the arts of war, witchcraft, alchemy; beauty and even health and medicine. But the knowledge and ability to pursue these desires – all still came to naught and simply brought God’s judgment.

  • 17 September 2023

    Speaker: Matt Johnson

    In such an age, where even non-Christians admit truth has been thrown to the ground we need to get back to just relying on the basic, simple and literal understanding of the Bible, that the Holy Spirit gives us – as we pray and read God’s Word in our quiet places. We don’t need experts. We don’t need big name pastors giving us the next date for Jesus’ return because they cracked the code. What we need is faith expressing itself in 1) holiness, 2) godliness and 3) spotless living as we are guided by the Holy Spirit in simple, prayerful meditation on the meaning of God’s Word. So, get a healthy cynicism. Question everything. And be wary of high falutin, clever and tickle our ears argument designed to keep us friends with the world and avoid the cost of being faithful to Jesus. But do not worry. Do not be afraid. Jesus warned us that all these things would happen and hopefully soon, but just at the right time – our Yeshua will appear, our enemies will be vanquished AND we will cross the Jordan and enter into our promised land – our forever home of righteousness Let me pray… 

  • 10 September 2023

    In other words – it’s more likely THE OLD-TIMERS were right all along and there is a Creator God – who fine-tuned the universe, just right, for human life. And if there is a God who fine-tuned the universe, just so, for human life – you have to ask – would he be happy with you? Would he say you’ve done a good job in life OR would you have difficulty explaining some of your conduct? Perhaps even, your scoffing at His existence? If it is the latter – the God of the Bible says; “He is willing to forgive you. Jesus (the most famous man in the history of the world) died for you. So if you believe in him, repent of your sins and try to obey Jesus’ words” the true God, the Creator God is willing to forgive you.

  • 3 September 2023

    As Saviour – Jesus loved you so much that he died on the cross for your sins.
    No matter what you’ve done – you can be forgiven. God doesn’t promise you every miracle you want in this life. Nor does God promise you – power, popularity and prosperity in this life. Those are lies of false teachers. But God does promise you forgiveness, heaven and eternal life if you believe in Jesus.

  • 13 August 2023

    Oh well, if I stumble and fall over, I’ll just pick myself up, wipe myself off and get back on the path to heaven.” But how badly, can a lazy Christian stumble and fall? This is A LIVE QUESTION in 1 Peter. Could a lazy, carnal Christian stumble and fall so badly – that they lose their salvation?

    Many years ago the Johnson family did a famous hike in Glacier National Park in Montana. (Slide 9 & 10). It’s called THE HIGHLINE TRAIL. It goes along a very high cliff edge with truly spectacular views. But there are many places in that hike where stumbling and falling is a death sentence. If you stumble in the wrong place or at the wrong moment – you die. There is no getting back up. There is no dusting yourself off. The key is; “Make sure you do not stumble.”

  • 6 August 2023

    Speaker: Matt Johnson

    Anyway, as Jonah prays he begins to focus on the character of God. In verse 2; Jonah says “I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love…” Now these are absolutely BEAUTIFUL WORDS. To know God’s grace, compassion, slowness to anger and abounding love (in a personal way) – is to know God as your Heavenly Father. These exact same words occur 7 or 8  times in the Old Testament – and they kind of form GOD’S CURRICULUM VITAE. These words kind of tell us who God is and what He does…

  • 30 July 2023

    Speaker: Matt Johnson

    Each year on the 1st July – Tongans celebrate the coming of Christianity to the islands. It is called ‘the coming of light’ against the ‘po’uli’ (which means darkness). So can the faithful preaching of God’s word bring real change to whole cities and nations? THE ANSWER is yes? God did it, not that long ago, with the islands of Tonga. Such miracles are possible. So today we are going to look at 1) what Jonah does, 2) then how Nineveh responds and 3) then what God decides…

  • 23 July 2023

    Speaker: Matt Johnson

    Jonah realises (through his personal experience of Gods mercy and power) that he has to take the good news; “Salvation comes from the LORD!” to anyone and everyone who is clinging to worthless idols. Those who cling to worthless idols are forfeiting the grace that ONLY God can give. If you do not call out to the true God, the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ – you will eventually perish. You will not be saved. IT IS A LIE that everyone ultimately goes to heaven. No! There is the reality of God’s judgment. If people cling to worthless idols – (whether Jews, Gentiles or nice western church goers) and do not turn to the one true God – they will forfeit the grace that could be theirs. ITS NOT AUTOMATIC. People have to trust in Jesus to be saved. People have to cry out to Jesus for salvation. And as people who have tasted and seen that JESUS is good – we should share with others what we know. As CHRISTIANS who have personally experienced Gods love in Jesus – and seen God changing us personally – we need to take this good news to others – even if (like Jonah) we think there is no point.