South Sydney Anglican Church

Ecclesiastes Series: Carpe Diem (Seize the day!)

Bible Passage: Ecclesiastes 3:1-22

Time, Justice and Life is Beyond Man’s Ability to Control

Intro: Well morning South Sydney Anglican Church. My name is Matt Johnson and today we are continuing to think about the meaning of life – as we study Ecclesiastes. And today we are thinking about TIME and how we SEIZE THE DAY we have right now. So let’s pray…

PRAYER:  Well, how do we view TIME and all the SEASONS OF LIFE? In Ecclesiastes, King Solomon is analysing life to see what is the best way to live? Some people 1) work for pleasure; others 2) work for possessions and still others pursue a name for themselves. But despite all our hard work – the ups and downs of life still happen. Solomon kind of summarises Ecclesiastes 3, later in Ecclesiastes 9. He writes (Slide 2 – Eccles.9:11). TIME and CHANCE happen to us all – no avoiding it. So how should we live?

Much has been said about the value of TIME. For instance; (SLIDE 3; ENTER; ENTER; ENTER). But perhaps, most in line with the book of Ecclesiastes is Martin Luther King; (ENTER).

TIME is the most equitably distributed commodity on our planet. Everyone has exactly the same amount of time each day. But lots of people still feel time poor. But the hours in the day and the days in the week are all part of Gods good creation. When God set the sun in the sky – he gave us all 24 hour days. When God made the world – he gave us all a seven day week. TIME ITSELF is part of Gods good creation. But when Adam and Eve sinned – life became harder and that made us feel time poor. Because work was harder – we never seemed to complete what we intended in time. What’s more, because death was now a reality – every minute became precious.

So we all STRIVE to accomplish a certain amount of things before we die in order to bring meaning to our life. OR the latest craze we now STRIVE to live as long as possible – so that we have more minutes and hours i- to do something meaningful.

It seems like every other week – there is a story in the current affairs shows about anti-aging and life longevity. The theory is that if I avoid aging and I live longer – I can squeeze more out of life. But many people become so fixated on anti-aging and longevity routines – that I’m not sure they are enjoying life. Is living life on protein shakes and spending 8 hours in the gym every day – really the good life? Does that make life meaningful or slavish?

Psalm 90:12 says to God; “Teach us to number our days aright, that we might have a heart of wisdom.” Given that we have very little control 1) over time or 2) the seasons of life – what is the most meaningful way to live? How do we seize the day that is today?

Point 1:         Accept – there is a time for Everything (and you are not in control)

Show:                        Eccles.3:1-3 (READ)

Explain:         Well Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 contain some very well known words. In 1959 Pete Seeger released the hit song; “Turn, Turn, Turn”; which is basically Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 set to music. When “Turn, Turn, Turn” was re-released by the Byrds in 1965 – it went number 1 on the US billboards. So there is a familiarity to these words. But the significance of these words escapes many.

In verse 1 – Solomon tells us that there is a proper time for everything. I know we all tend to want a little more from COLUMN A and little less from COLUMN B. But in life under the sun there is a proper time for all these things. There is going to be a TIME for some laughing and some crying. There is going to be a time for some loving and for some hating. In the words of Dolly Partonif you want the RAINBOW you’ve gotta have a little rain. BUT TRULY, what’s the problem with a little rain.

When I lived in Newman (in outback Australia) rain was so rare – that whenever it did rain the whole Johnson family would be dancing and singing and running around in the backyard. It was beautiful.

So we really need to wrestle with Ecclesiates 3:11. (Slide 4; Eccles.3:11). Solomon is saying – everything listed in verses 2-8 has its own inherent beauty and purpose. We may think certain things in verses 2-8 are BEAUTIFUL and others TERRIBLE. But Solomon says, “that everything is beautiful in its time.Now that makes these words INCREDIBLY CHALLENGING. What makes something beautiful – the thing itself or the opportunity it provides

The root word for “BEAUTIFUL” is used in the Old Testament to describe Zion (Ps.50:2) and its used to describe beautiful women (Est.1:1). But the word basically means good, attractive and proper. This word BEAUTIFUL is also used TWICE in Ecclesiastes. In Ecclesiastes 5, Solomon says (ENTER – Eccles.5:18).

Now as I pointed out (two weeks ago) – this idea – that it is good for people to eat, drink and find satisfaction in their work keeps getting repeated in Ecclesiastes. God wants us to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Many things in this fallen world like eating, drinking, living and working are still beautiful. But is that not also true of all the experiences of life. Is there not beauty still to be found in everything.

Despite sin – GODS COMMON GRACE continues to sustain the world. That means Gods common grace and goodness is still being demonstrated in all the circumstances of life. WHAT’S MORE, Gods SPECIAL GRACE towards those who fear Him and obey Him – also turns A) hard experiences into B) positive experiences – as God refines us. So even bad experiences are NEVER entirely bad for those who fear God. Beauty can be found in nearly everything. Do you believe that?

We read in verse 2 – that there is a time to be born and a time to die. Now its easy to find the BEAUTY in a new born child and that new baby smell. It is beautiful. But where is the BEAUTY in death? Well, we saw some of that beauty – recently with the passing of our dear brother Peter. There was a TIME AND BEAUTY in Peter leaving behind the struggles of this fallen world. There was a TIME AND BEAUTY in the way so many people in our church cared for him. There was also a TIME AND BEAUTY in the way Peter dealt with death trusting God until the very end. There was beauty for those who have eyes to see…

Again, we know there is something BEAUTIFUL about peace. But as Solomon says there is also A TIME for war and A BEAUTY to be found even in war. Every year on ANZAC day we honour the soldiers who gave their life in the service of our country – because there is something beautiful about what they did.  In war – we sometimes see certain beautiful, noble attributes of man – that we don’t usually see in times of peace. Yes, the war itself is terrible and yes, it is atrocious to see so many people die unnecessarily.

But war also provides the opportunity for people to do great good; 1) to clearly say no to evil; 2) to be strong and courageous and 3) even to lay down their life for a fellow soldier or their family back home.

Apply:            Now we don’t have time to work through all these statements. But we need to recognize that there is an APPROPRIATE TIME and even a POTENTIAL BEAUTY to be grasped in all the experiences of life. We can’t CONTROL or AVOID these seasons. So in order to Carpe Diem and seize the day (at hand) we need to accept the day for what it is AND look for Gods common grace and God’s special grace in them. THE FALL hasn’t entirely destroyed Gods good creation. So there is still a beauty and a goodness to be redeemed in all the experiences of life.

Point 2:         Every time is a Time to Fear God and Do Good

Show:                        Eccles.3:12-14 (READ; Slide 6)

Explain:         Well after exploring TIME and the SEASONS OF LIFE – Solomon returns to THE COMMON REFRAIN of this book – there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat, drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.Now there are a few things I want us to NOTE. First, please notice the importance of DOING GOOD as we live through all the seasons of life. Whatever is happening “DO GOOD”. This corresponds to the end of Ecclesiastes that says (in all things); “Fear God and keep His commandments.” (Ecc.12:13). Keeping Gods commands is doing good.

SECOND, please note in verse 14 it says “everything God does endures forever, nothing can be added to it, nothing subtracted – God does this so people will fear Him.” Now the wordseverything endures forever” is not so much about PERMANENCE, as IMMUTABILITY and UNCHANGEABILITY. What God has determined will happen is unchangeable. We can’t add and we can’t subtract anything from what God has determined is best. God alone is Sovereign. Deal with it. As Proverbs says; man makes his plans, but God determines our steps (Prov.16:9). Some things in life are just too big for us to COMPREHEND or CONTROL. And God made it this way so we will stand in awe of Him and revere Him. God’s purposes are often much bigger than our comprehension. So this also relates to the CONCLUSION of Ecclesiastes. Solomon concludes that in all things we must fear God and keep His commandments. And there is no season of life where this truth does not apply.

So Solomon is encouraging us to accept life under the sun for what it is. Find the beauty, do good and stop chasing the wind. We can’t create heaven on earth and we can’t control the circumstances of life. But we can live in the moment and we can do good in every moment.

And with this ATTITUDE and DETERMINATION comes an incredible promise. Solomon says you will find a certain happiness and satisfaction and meaning in your work – FOR THIS IS THE GIFT OF GOD. If you look at verse 13 – you’ll see (ENTER) – THAT its in doing good we find SATISFACTION in our work, FOR – THIS IS THE GIFT OF GOD. As we truly live for God doing good and keeping His commandments (rather than chasing the wind) – God extends to us SPECIAL GRACE – that brings happiness, peace and satisfaction – into our lives. Life under the sun will sometimes be HARD. But the best way to live is still fearing God and doing good. There is no BETTER LIFE to be had than fearing God and doing good. THE NEW TESTAMENT says something SIMILAR in 1 Corinthians 10 (Slide 6)whether you eat or drink or whatever you do – do it all for the glory of God (1Cor.10:31).

Illustrate:       Now the Presbyterian Church’s founding document is called the Westminster Confession (and in their shorter catechism) – the very first question is this (Slide 8). To put it in modern language – you may say what is the meaning of life? THE ANSWER is this (ENTER) – the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. That’s your purpose in life. That’s why you were created and TRUE JOY is found in doing what you were created to do…

Now sadly, the fall means we A) stopped glorifying God and we started B) glorifying ourselves. But there is no joy or satisfaction or ultimate meaning to be found in glorifying self. True meaning and joy is only found in doing what we were created to do. So when Jesus redeems us (through his death and resurrection) – we are redeemed to GLORIFY God and ENJOY Him forever. But many theologians (including John Piper) have pointed out THIS LINK between A) glorifying God and B)enjoying God is a most profound truth. Glorifying God and enjoying God’s blessings are directly linked. This means joy, satisfaction and meaning in life will be DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to the degree you are glorifying God with your life. In Ecclesiastes Solomon seems to have reached a similar conclusion. \

The best way to find joy, happiness and meaning in life – is to glorify God (by fearing Him and keeping His commands) in all the circumstances of life. But not just doing good with our ACTIONS. But doing good and glorifying God with our words and emotions.

One of the hardest things in the UPS AND DOWNS of life is to continue acting in faith, hope and love. When difficulties strike – we all become like the Israelites in the wilderness – winging, complaining and giving up on God. Many evangelical Christians do exactly the same thing. But does that glorify God? The Bible tells us; Rejoice in the Lord always! (Phil.4:4) That is a COMMAND. The Bible also says “give thanks to God in all circumstances for this is His will for us in Christ Jesus (1Thess.5:18). So doing what is good is not just about ACTIONS, it is also about our WORDS and our HEART ATTITUDE. Are we really glorifying God in all the ups and downs of life?

One of the beautiful things about Peter dying is that he died well – full of faith, hope and love. Yes, he was UNCOMFORTABLE. No doubt a little SCARED. But he kept acting in faith, thanking God AND counting his blessings. And really what is a better way to die; A) winging, complaining and bemoaning all your regrets OR B) with your eyes fixed on Jesus the author and perfector of our faithwho for the JOY set before him ENDURED THE CROSS. What the? Did you just hear that?  For joy Jesus endured the cross? JESUS FOUND JOY in enduring the cross – because 1) he did it for Gods glory and 2) our good. And if Jesus can find joy – even in the cross, what should you be able to find – if you glorify God and do good in all the seasons of life? (JOY) So do good the sake of God’s glory and for the sake of your joy. But also DO GOOD because;

Point 3:         There is a Time for Everything including Death and Judgment

Show:          Eccles.3:16-19 (READ)

Explain:         Well not only is fearing God and doing good THE BEST WAY to live life under the sun, fearing God and doing good is also THE BEST WAY to live life in light of eternity. Solomon now speaks of the injustices we so often see in life under the sun. COURTS don’t always uphold justice. POLITICIANS rarely keep the promises. So as Solomon writes; we often see wickedness in places that should uphold justice. Again, this injustice frustrates us. It leads to anger and bitterness and revenge. But if these things take hold – we often stop fearing God, keeping His commands and doing good. Instead we take matters into our own hands.

In our hearts – every human longs for eternal life and longs for true justice. Despite the fall (of Adam and Eve) – we still understand ideas of eternity and true justice. But we struggle to find either in this fallen world. So is there any advantage in fearing God and doing good – if there is no true justice to be found? Is there any point keeping Gods commands if the same fate awaits us as the animals. Well Solomon did not have all the answers that we now have as Christians.

(GOSPEL). There is NOW A) true justice and B) eternal life for everyone who believes in Jesus and repents of their sin. The problem is that while we all long for true JUSTICE against our enemies, we want MERCY for ourselves. But like our enemies, we too have wrong, and no doubt there are people who want Gods justice against us. SO ON JUDGMENT DAY – THE PUNISHMENT we long to see meted out against our enemies, is also A PUNISHMENT that we deserve to have meted out against us. So God gave everyone a SECOND CHANCE in Jesus. As Jesus died on the cross – he took all the punishment we deserve as sinners, upon himself so that we can be spared. This means our sin has really been paid for in Jesus. JUSTICE has been done because evil has been punished in Jesus.

And God says – (RESPONSE) that if you REPENT of your sins and BELIEVE in Jesus – God will accept Jesus death as full payment for all your sins and he will give you eternal life. But the Bible also says that if you DO NOT REPENT of your sins and DO NOT BELIEVE in Jesus – then you will have to pay for your own sins on judgment day and you will not get eternal life. So the decision is yours. If you believe in Jesus you will get mercy, not judgment. If you do not believe in Jesus you face judgment, not mercy. So what should you do if you long for meaning in life, mercy in judgment and eternal life – you should fear God and do good. Or to put it another way you should believe in Jesus and keep his commandments.

Apply:  Although, Solomon could not see how God would uphold justice, show mercy and grant eternal life – he clung to the fact that if God is good – there must eventually come a judgment day – where God rewards those who fear Him and keep His commandments. Now of course, no one keeps Gods commandments perfectly. Chriistians are not saved by doing good. The only way to be saved is by Gods grace and forgiveness offered in Jesus. BUT IN RESPONSE to Gods grace, mercy and forgiveness – Christians are called to fear God, obey Jesus and follow Him. This is what it means to do good. This is what it now means to keep Gods commands. As we Christians we don’t strive for the things of the world, we strive to obey Jesus and to the best of our ability follow Him in all the seasons of life. For this is the best way to live a joyful, meaningful, satisfying life under the sun and it is the only way to die and enter heaven.

So as I finish today, I want to share with you are quote from Ephesians 5 in the King James Translation of the Bible (Slide 13). So in all the seasons of life – if you are going to strive for anything, strive to redeem the time, for which Jesus has redeemed you. So fear God, do good, keep His commandments for A) this is the key to meaningful life and B) the time of Gods judgment may be nearer than you know. As Martin Luther King says; the time is always right to do what is right.

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