Our Labour under the Sun should be Worship of God
Intro: Well morning friends and visitors. My name is Matt Johnson and today we are continuing our study of Ecclesiastes particularly thinking about our work lives. So lets pray as we begin…
Prayer: Well today’s passage is beginning to explore the meaninglessness of much of the work we do. In the western world most of us will spend around 45-50 years of our life working. That is about 10,800 days or 86,400 hours working for the man. We are born into this fallen, sinful world, we grow up and then in the words of snow white and the seven dwarves; “Hi, ho, hi, ho – it’s off to work we go.” So how do we Carpe Diem? How do we seize the days of our employment.
Christians often view work simply as a means to make money and an opportunity for evangelism. But I want us to think today a little more deeply about work. As people finish high-school and head to university or TAFE what are the MAIN THINGS people are considering when it comes to work? (PAUSE) OBVIOUSLY, 1) one of the biggest questions for people today is MONEY. How well do certain jobs pay? 2) For those who are a bit more thoughtful – they may consider their NATURAL GIFTING and PASSIONS. What do I like doing? 3) If your parents have PAID for your education, maybe your parents decided what job you are going to do and your going to enjoy it (whether you like it or not). 4) Still other people choose certain careers for power or prestige. 5) And of course, for some people (with less opportunity) we simply grab the first job we can get – because we need to pay the bills and put food on the table. So what makes work meaningful?
A few years ago anthropologist DAVID GRAEBER caused chaos in many big companies by printing this book (Slide 2). Now as a pastor I can’t read out loud the title of this book because it’s a little coarse. But you get the point. Some jobs are just meaningless BS.
Graeber argues that in our western world more than 20% of people are now doing meaningless jobs. For instance, Graeber argues that lots of people in MIDDLE-MANAGEMENT simply 1) create meaningless rules for the people below them (that are usually ignored) and 2) they write meaningless reports for the people above them – (that never get read). Psychologists have noted that a boring, highly repetitive, production line type job can still be very satisfying – if people can see the end result of their contribution is positive and good. But no matter how highly you are paid in a meaningless job, if you can’t see the point and there is no value added) it will be completely soul destroying. And sadly, Graeber argues that MANY JOBS TODAY in the western world 1) produce nothing, 2) serve no-one and 3) contribute zero actual good to society.
So how do we seize the day of our employment?
Point 1: Work itself was a Good Thing in God’s Creation
Show: Eccles.1:3 (READ)
Explain: Well last week I explained that this was THE BIG PROBLEM and THE BIG QUESTION of Ecclesiastes. What can we gain from all our work in this fallen, sinful, world – under the sun). Today in Ecclesiastes 2 – Solomon will begin to consider – what we really GAIN by working 10,800 days of our life – in this fallen sinful world?
But today, as we read Ecclesiastes – we need to think about how we read the Bible. The book of Ecclesiastes dates to about 900 years before Jesus AND this influences the way we read the book. LET ME EXPLAIN. WHENEVER we read an Old Testament book we must read it – looking forward to Jesus. The Old Testament primarily articulates man’s problems in this fallen, sinful world – under the sun. The Old Testament explains 1) we are all sinners. 2) We can’t save our-self. 3) Much of life seems meaningless etc etc. So the Old Testament helps human beings to understand the problem of sin. But – Jesus is Gods answer to the problem of sin. So the New Testament teaches us how Jesus saves and redeems us from the futility of life AND enables us to live meaningful, God glorifying lives as we wait for Jesus’ return.
Apply: Now this means that what Solomon calls meaningless, meaningless can be redeemed and become meaningful, meaningful in Jesus. So when it comes TO WORK – we need to think about what work was like A) before Adam and Eve sinned and B) what work is like after it is redeemed in Jesus. So lets go back to the beginning of work.
In Genesis 2, we read this about work; (Slide 3; Gen.2:1-2). So God works in Genesis 2 and Gods work is good. GOD SAW all that he made and it was very good. Now as people made in Gods image – we are also made to work. Again in Genesis 2, it says (Slide 5 – Gen.2:15). So God made Adam and Eve to work AMD this means work is part of Gods good creation. God made us to work.
But the word “WORK” in Genesis 2 is AVAD in Hebrew and it actually means work, serve or worship. When work is good, it becomes WORSHIP and that makes it meaningful.
Work only became toil after Adam and Eve’s sin. Look with me at Genesis 3. (Slide 6 – Gen.3:17). Please notice that WORK became TOIL after Adam and Eve’s sin. But the root word for “toil” is atsab (in Hebrew) which means pain or labour, but it also means IDOLATRY. So work before the fall is worship AND work after the fall is prone to being idolatry. Now in Ecclesiastes Solomon is working against the backdrop of the fall. So he always uses words like hard labour or toil to describe the work we are doing for pleasure or fame or power. He never uses the AVAD word for work which means to serve or worship God. But when Jesus redeems us (in the New Testament) he saves us from work that is idolatrous, to do work that is really worship of God.
Apply: SO IF A) God made us to work and B) Jesus redeems us for work that really is worship – it kind of means that if you have the ability to work – you should work. Work is actually part of Gods good creation. Famous author – GEOFFREY CHAUCER once wrote in “the Canterbury Tales”; “Idle hands are the Devils playground.” If you have no constructive work to do, Satan will generally give you some destructive and evil work to do. “Idle hands are the devil’s playground.” THE POINT IS work was good in the Garden of Eden and work can be good again when it is redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible actually condemns the lazy and slothful person who avoids work.
Now I know that in our Redfern-Waterloo context this is not always easy. If you suffer from mental health issues, physical health issues, have a criminal record or are getting old – it is often very hard to get paid employment. (This is why it is necessary that we have a welfare system). But a welfare system can also do great damage – if it hinders people who are capable of working, from actually working.
Remember – 1) God made us to work and 2) there are many passages in the Bible that encourage us to work. So I’d say that if you are living on government benefits (for whatever reason), but you think you probably have the ability to work, then you should aim to get work. WORK (done biblically) is good for God, good for our neighbour and good for us…
Now perhaps your working life will begin with unpaid work in a charity. Whether work is paid or unpaid doesn’t matter. WHAT MATTERS is that you are working in service of God. But I would say that if you have the ability to get paid employment (of some sort) – I would encourage you to humbly and prayerfully pursue paid employment. In most circumstances paid employment will do all sorts of good for you personally (as a person). But most of the time – it will also increase your capacity to do good for God and good for others.
NOW AGAIN, I understand that for many people in Redfern-Waterloo – the opportunity or ability to work is often difficult. So I don’t want to belittle that difficulty. But I do want you to see that in Jesus 1) work has been redeemed and 2) meaningful, God honoring work is often linked to our sense of contentment, happiness and fulfilment in life. It is hard to find meaning and significance in life without working…
Point 2: Working for “Things” like Pleasure or Fame is Meaningless.
Show: Eccles.2:1-3 (READ)
Explain: Now notice the words “WHAT IS GOOD” and “WHAT WAS GOOD.” Solomon is now conducting an experiment to see what good can be gained from all our work under the sun. And his first two experiments in Ecclesiastes 2 are pleasure and fame? (I know it talks about wisdom). But really its talking about working for pleasure or fame. Is the pursuit of pleasure and fame in work – “good”? Now technically A) working for pleasure is called hedonism and B) working for possessions is called materialism. What Solomon goes on to talk about in Ecclesiastes 2:4-9 is kind of a combination of hedonism and materialism. Solomon works hard to obtain – all the delights of a man’s heart. So surely Solomon MUST BE happy.
Show: (Slide 9 – Eccles.2:10-11). Sadly, the things Solomon acquires through work – still leave him feeling empty. When he surveys all that his hands have done – everything is meaningless. Stuff doesn’t satisfy.
Now I was running Bible study this week with the young adults – and I asked how long does the joy lasts when you go out to a nice expensive restaurant? ANSWER: really, only as long as the meal. What about the joy of getting a new i-phone? They said maybe a couple of days or a week. So I then asked – what about a house? How long does the joy last of acquiring a new house? (PAUSE) They responded – we’re Gen Z – we can’t ever afford a house in Sydney. So we don’t know. Sadly, even the purchase of houses is a short lived joy…
The point is pleasure and stuff don’t usually satisfy. What’s more, if we work for pleasure and stuff we usually work for what is A DIMINISHING RETURN. The more pleasure and stuff you acquire – the less joy pleasure and stuff tends to bring, because it kind of becomes familiar. If you can afford dinner in a nice restaurant every night – it is no longer special. So working for pleasure and possessions rarely brings lasting contentment or satisfaction in life.
So the next thing Solomon considers is wisdom and knowledge. But what it’s really talking about is fame and honour. In ancient society only the WEALTHY could afford good education. So an affluent person could pursue wisdom and knowledge of the world – usually in the hope they would grow in fame, stature and respect. We know from 1 Kings 10 “that the whole world sought an audience with Solomon to hear his wisdom and knowledge.” Solomon really did become famous.
But look at verse 16 (Slide 11; Eccles.2:16). Even if you work hard to gain fame as an 1) intelligent person or 2) a rich person or 3) a powerful person – you won’t be long remembered. Before long someone else will come along more intelligent than you or more powerful than you – and meaningless, meaningless. So what is really gained by gaining fame and honour?
Now in our modern secular context – 1) the pursuit of possessions, 2)the pursuit of pleasure and 3) the pursuit of fame and honour in the workplace – (as a doctor or lawyer or even as an academic) are some of people’s goals. MOST PEOPLE don’t really work for the sake of working. Nor do they work for God’s glory. MOST PEOPLE work for what they can get out of work. But God made us to work for Him and to serve our neighbour. Then the work itself is valuable and not just for the things we get out of the work. The work itself has value.
When we work for things (or even for self), we are actually serving an idol, that will never really satisfy. But when we work for God it is worship and the work itself starts to become meaningful. As we use our God given gifts 1) to serve God and 2) to serve our neighbour – we bring Jesus’ command to love God and to love our neighbour into our workplaces. And knowing we have loved God and somehow served our neighbour – then brings a sense of contentment, satisfaction and meaning to our work. A) You can serve in an idol in your work and that will be meaningless. B) Or you can begin to serve God in your work and that will be meaningful forever…
Point 3: Work done for God is Worship and it is Satisfying
Show: Eccles.2:24-26 (READ)
Explain: PLEASE NOTE – that Solomon says that it is in relationship with God that we eat and drink and find satisfaction in our work. He says “without God” – people miss out on all these things. But the people who work to PLEASE* God in their work – gain true wisdom, knowledge and happiness in life. So how do we work for God? What PLEASES God?
Well man’s big problem in life is that our sin and selfishness does NOT please God. Sin ALIENATES us from God and sin brings us under GOD’S JUDGMENT. We face death (both physical and eternal) because of our sin. So we then try to find other things in the world to fill THE VOID caused by the absence of God. We then also chase things like pleasure or possessions or fame to try to give meaning to our life before we die. But there is nothing that can really fill the emptiness that comes from the absence of God. Nor is there anything – that will really make your life MEANINGFUL – if in the end you die and your forgotten.
(GOSPEL) But as Jesus died on the cross – he took the penalty of sin upon himself – so that you can be spared. (Jesus did the time for your crimes). So you no longer need to be afraid of God’s judgment. You can DRAW NEAR to God in faith that he loves you and has forgiven you. And the Bible says that if you BELIEVE in Jesus and REPENT of your sin – God will come back into your life by the Holy Spirit. As I said – only God can fill the God shaped hole in each of us. But as God fills the God shaped hole in each of us – we begin to find more satisfaction and contentment in life. BUT JESUS ALSO ROSE FROM THE GRAVE to take away our fear of death. Jesus showed us – you don’t find meaning in life pre death. RATHER you find meaning in life – post death – when you rise from the grave and meet God. At that point – if you have lived a life that has pleased God, worshipped God and served your neighbour – your life will be judged meaningful. But if you have worshipped idols and served self – it will be judged meaningless.
SO IN RESPONSE to Jesus saving us – God calls us to now trust and obey Him. This is also how the book of Ecclesiastes concludes. Let me show you. (Slide 12 – Eccles12:13-14). THIS IS THE CONCLUSION to Solomons great experiment. If you want meaning and real gain in life (and in death) – well revere God and keep His commands…
So let me ask you some questions. How does Jesus SUMMARISE all the commands in the Bible? (PAUSE) That’s right – 1) love God with all your heart and 2) love your neighbour as yourself. So if you want your work life to be meaningful (and satisfying) – don’t automatically pick the job with the highest pay. Begin by picking a job where you can truly serve God and serve your neighbour each day.
Now obviously, loving God and loving your neighbour may PRECLUDE certain jobs. You can’t really sell drugs or sell your body for sex (and say you’re serving God). For work to be worship we must be doing good. But sadly, there are also more and more professional type jobs today where it is getting harder to do real good in the workplace. If your workplace is expecting you to A) do things that are contrary to Gods Word OR B) they won’t let you talk about God OR C) your workplace is doing things that are exploiting people – you can’t really do that work as worship of God.
But there are many things you can do in love of God and neighbour. You can obviously BUILD A ROAD to the glory of God – if it serves your fellow man. You can obviously be A NURSE to the glory of God because you are serving you’re neighbour. You could even be A GARBAGE COLLECTOR to the glory of God. These are all things that our society really needs to operate. So when you provide 1) good services or 2)needed products you are doing good for your neighbour and you are doing good for society. IN FACT, I’d say the more your job serves real needs in your neighbour – the more satisfaction and contentment you are likely to find in your work. Jesus was a servant king and we find joy in following him.
The Bible says; its more blessed to serve than to be served. (Acts 20:35) This means jobs like teaching, nursing, social work, Christian ministry, counselling, ambulance drivers, policemen, trade roles, garbage collecting etc etc may actually bring more satisfaction and meaning to your life, than many higher paying jobs. Although working in the service sector is often very demanding, it is often more rewarding because there is a blessing in serving others. Many high paying professions are only really focussed on serving the bottom line of a company. And at the end of the day helping rich people to become more rich is not necessarily a good or satisfying way to spend your life. Aim to do something good from a biblical perspective. Serve people or serve society in some way – for then you are being like Jesus.
The point is work is not just about 1) money or even 2) a context for evangelism. Work is a God-given opportunity for you to use your talents to A) do good in the world and B) to serve your neighbour in some way. And when this is done sincerely it is worship. So then do your job to the best of your ability as though serving God, not man. But if you look at your work and you can’t find THE GOOD and you can’t see anyone is really being SERVED (or not much anyway) – perhaps its time to get another job. Don’t waste your life doing stuff that is meaningless…
But there are a few more biblical commands about work that I want to remind you quickly before we finish. For starters – how many days should you work and how many should you rest? (PAUSE) That’s right, the Bible is clear that six days you shall work and the seventh day is a Sabbath for the Lord. The point is – if you work yourself too hard – you will burn out and you will only find stress in your work. So listen to all Gods commands, put them into practice and seize the day.
Finally, I want to remind you that Jesus says – “Do not store up treasures on earth, but rather seek first the Kingdom of God in all that you do (and God will look after you). (Matt.6:25-34). It may seem like certain jobs do not pay enough anymore to live properly in Australia.
But I’d say the Bible encourages us to consider the gifting and talents God has given us. Then we are told to be good stewards using what God has given us – to serve God and to serve our neighbour (rather than serving self or serving idols). Now if we are serving God and serving neighbour and seeking Gods kingdom first – God promises to look after us. He just says “make sure you get a day of rest” and “don’t worry about tomorrow.” Now no doubt – the Bible has more to say about work.
But really this is a big step towards Carpe Diem in our workplaces. Don’t work for money, or pleasure, or prestige. Rather make sure the work you are doing 1) is good, 2) pleasing to God and 3) serving your neighbour because it then becomes worship – which brings more contentment, meaning and happiness in life. So seize the day. Fear God and keep His commandments in your work because this is Carpe Diem.