South Sydney Anglican Church

Christmas 2024: The Glory of God wrapped in the Ordinariness of Human Life

22 December 2024

Series: Christmas 2024

Bible Passage: Luke 1:26-56

The Glory of God is wrapped up in the Ordinariness of Human Life

Intro:    Well Merry Christmas – friends and visitors. My name is Matt Johnson and given that we are now in the final stretch to Christmas – I want to look at the original Bible story. Luke’s gospel focuses on the faith of Mary and Matthews gospel focuses on the faith of Joseph. So let me pray as we begin…

Prayer:   Well today (and on Christmas Day) I want to remind you that the story of Christmas began in a town like Redfern & Waterloo. The miracle of Christmas – did NOT begin in the top end of town – among the powerful, the wealthy and the rich. Yes, the rich and the powerful may have the BEST FOOD at their family Christmas this year. They may have BEAUTIFUL CAROL SERVICES in their churches. They may even give one another the NICEST OF PRESENTS and the best of holidays come Boxing Day. But Christmas 1) actually began and 2) is truly slanted towards the poorer end of town – because of the nature of God…

So as we begin today, I want to show you just a few words from Mary’s song – that contain a truth – that is often missed by many. (Slide 2; Lk.1:51-53). PLEASE NOTICE – who does God scatter, bring down and send away empty? (PAUSE) Who does God lift-up and fill?

THE PROBLEM is that in our modern, western commercial expressions of Christmas – the OPPOSITE often seems to be true. THE RICH are the ones filled with all sorts of good things at Christmas – like pudding, Turkey and cognac, while the hungry remain empty and hungry. THOSE WHO ARE POWERFUL often seem to be exalted further at corporate Christmas parties, while those from more humble, modest backgrounds – often feel like they are brought even lower at Christmas – in both heart and spirit… So, what is the truth of Christmas?

Well some Christian churches dedicate the whole month of December to what is called ADVENT. Advent is meant to focus on the first and second comings of Jesus. But what ends up happening is that ministers spend the whole month PEPPERING their sermons with talk about Christmas Day, family, presents and holidays because they think everyone loves Christmas. But there are many people in our church who dread Christmas because it reminds them of the DYSFUNCTION and BROKENNESS of their family. Or they simply have no one to celebrate Christmas with and so it increases the sense of loneliness…

What’s more, Christmas now also exasperates the SOCIO-ECONOMIC DIVIDE – because who really has the MONEY to buy nice food, lots of presents and take good holidays? It’s tough! (PAUSE) Now if you love and enjoy Christmas with family – praise God. But for many people – this is a time of sadness AND it’s something, our church in Redfern-Waterloo really needs to be sensitive to each year…

Now thankfully, Christmas is for everyone – when you grasp the true meaning. But when God decided to start this whole Christmas thing (we now celebrate each year) – he came to the poor, ordinary end of town – where he found some extraordinary faith…

Point 1:         God Promises Mary a Double Miracle (and she believes)

Show:                        Lk.1:26-29 (READ)

Explain:         As you can see the story of Christmas begins in a place called NAZARETH. An angel (named GABRIEL) appears to Mary and says she is going to miraculously give birth to a child who she is to name JESUS. Now at this point MARY is engaged to a young man named JOSEPH. But believe it or not – they are not sexually active. They are obeying Gods Word. So, Mary is shocked by the idea of being pregnant. In verse 34 – she says; ‘how can this be – since I am still a virgin?

Well Mary’s mind would have been RACING. Apart from the shock of seeing an angel, she is also processing pregnancy. In the first century – being pregnant (out of wedlock) was dangerous because it suggested she had committed adultery against her fiancé. That was a capital offence. So please know Mary would have been in shock.

But Mary is no ordinary Jewish girl. In this passage she shows extraordinary faith. Now in response to Catholics who usually venerate Mary, Protestants often say – Mary was just an ordinary woman chosen by God to bring Jesus into this world. Protestants tend to stress – she was just a sinner like the rest of us. (Now no doubt she was a sinner like the rest of us). But she was a sinner with an extraordinary faith – that would put many of us to shame. We need to recognize that God did not bestow this honour upon some luke-warm, half-baked girl who didn’t really believe in God. Everything in this passage – including the Magnificat song – screams that Mary had a faith and a theology that would put most scholars to shame.

First the angel tells Mary the Holy Spirit is going to miraculously place a child in her womb. Then, the angel tells Mary – that her barren, infertile aunt (Elizabeth) is also pregnant. That’s a double pregnancy miracle. A) The young VIRGIN and the old BARREN woman. The miracles of Christmas are beginning to pile up…

But truly, we’re only getting STARTED. Look at verse 31 and following (Slide 5-6). So not only is Mary told about two miraculous pregnancies. She is also told HER CHILD is going to be 1) the Son of God; 2) he is also going to be the promised Messiah (descended from King David) AND 3) he is going to usher in a kingdom that will never end. Okie, dokie. Now if an angel turned up and hit you with all that supernatural – how would you respond?

Well, perhaps watching Mary’s brain churn – the angel says (verse 37), please remember (Slide 7; Lk.1:37)nothing is impossible with God!Now I’ve quoted the KJV, Holman and ESV translations – because its a slightly better translation. That is the true miracle of Christmas. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD. (That’s my hope for the world? That’s my hope at death? That’s my hope every morning when I get out of bed). But do you believe that? Do you know the hope of Christmas?

Well Mary pauses for a moment and then says (verse 38); “May your words to me be fulfilled.” Please just pause for a moment and admire this young woman’s faith. In all the promises God has delivered to Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah AND all the prophets – this promise is probably the hardest to swallow. Your pregnant and your going to give birth to Gods Son. Mary is like “okie, dokie”.

Apply:            Friends, please notice this EXTRAORDINARY FAITH – coming out of Nazareth in Galilee. Nazareth in Galilee, was a nothing town. If it wasn’t for Jesus no one would know it existed. Nazareth was a place for the poor. It was a place for half-castes and dirty, dirty Gentiles. It was a place even further removed from Jerusalem, than Samaria and the Samaritans. Nazareth and Galilee were places that were UTTERLY DESPISED by the wealthy, the powerful and the educated. I want to show you just a few quotes from the Bible about Nazareth and Galilee.

When Phillip told Nathanael – I think we’ve found the Messiah, this is what Nathaneal said (Slide 8; Jn.1:46). Seriously, Nazareth was like Redfern or the Block or the Druitt. But even more telling is the Pharisees response to Nicodemus (Slide 9 & 10; Jn.7:47ff). Now do you see the attitude of the rich, the wealthy and educated towards Galilee? Galilee is just a mob of idiots completely ignorant of the Jewish law. And if you want to SLANDER a great man (like Nicodemus) suggest he was born in Galilee.

But when God chose to come into the world this is where the story begins. God came to a nobody girl, in a nobody town promising out of this world Christmas miracles. And those miracles were received with faith. Can anything good come out of Nazareth? Sometimes the most extraordinary faith comes out of the nobody places and the nobody people. Sometimes nobody people and nobody places are better at extraordinary faith in God because they aren’t tempted to put their faith in power, money or education – because they don’t have it…

Point 2:         God’s Word to Mary is Received with Extraordinary Faith

Show:                        Lk.1:39-43 (Slide 11-12)

Explain:         Friends, please note Mary immediately jumps on her bike and travels for three days to Judea. Mary is now showing us her faith, by her works. When Mary heard Elizabeth was pregnant she believed. So now she’s going to help (her pregnant, old aunty). Her faith is expressing itself in deeds. This is the nature of true Christian faith.

If we sing carols at Christmas saying we BELIEVE in God and trust in God, but all our actions throughout the year – show us to BELIEVE and trust in our wealth, our power and our education – do we really believe in the God of Christmas. IF GOD IS REAL, miracles happen and Jesus was born of a virgin in Nazareth – how should that shape your life?

Well thankfully, it’s not only people in Nazareth and Galilee that demonstrate real faith. Mary’s uncle ZECHARIAH was a priest – in the temple. This means he was a reasonably educated man – with a better knowledge of Gods word than many people. Zechariah and Elizabeth were a bit further up the social ladder than Mary and Joseph. In modern terms, Zechariah and Elizabeth would have been like pastors in a church. They were also pretty close to the top end of town (literally and relationally) because Zechariah worked in the temple. He would have rubbed shoulders with the big boys of Jerusalem…

Now generally speaking the gospel accounts give A BAD RAP to the religious leaders around Jerusalem. John the Baptist calls them a brood of vipers (Matt.3:7). In Luke 11 – Jesus pronounces a seven-fold “Woe” on the religious leaders – saying they kind of know Gods word, but they are dead inside… (Lk.11:39-52). Sadly, those with lots of resources tended to trust in their resources rather than God. But real faith wasn’t entirely absent. NICODEMUS was from the top end of town and he showed genuine faith. Earlier in Luke 1:6 – we are told ZECHARIAH AND ELIZABETH are righteous in Gods eyes. So again, we find some people in the top end of town with real faith in God.

Elizabeth also seems to be a little charismatic. It says that filled with the Holy Spirit – she says to Mary (verse 43); “why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?Mother of my Lord. Again, this is miraculous. Elizabeth obviously has a real relationship with God AND filled with the Holy Spirit – she recognizes that Mary is carrying the promised Messiah. Again, what we see in both Zechariah and Elizabeth is a real faith in God and evidence of a real relationship with God.

 Apply:            Although real Christian faith is often warmer and more active in poorer communities, there are examples of real, living Christian faith among educated, wealthier and more powerful people too. Jesus is especially for the poorer end of town, but he’s also for the top end of town. The reality of God, the historicity of Jesus and the promises of Scripture – do hold up to real intellectual scrutiny. Christianity is a religion that can hold its own (and often does hold its own) in the top end of town – because a few people up there are still humble enough to see power, money and education is not the answer to the world’s problems. The real answer to the worlds problems is God. The true hope, joy and peace of Christmas – is actually found in God, faith in God and relationship with God. The answer is God.         


Point 3:         Gods Glory is Comprehended and Celebrated by Mary

Show:                        Lk.1:13-15 (READ)

Explain:         Well what Mary is now doing is WORSHIP. The story of Christmas reveals God is real and God is good. The right response to God and the message of Christmas is then worship. Now the words that come out of Mary’s mouth (as a young teenager) are truly amazing. These words show Mary actually knows God better – than most the Pharisees, scribes and big wigs in Jerusalem. As Jesus later says; “Out of the mouths of babes God has ordained praise for himself.” (Matt.21:16). Mary worships in faith – because she knows the answer to all the world’s problems is the child in her womb. God promised throughout the Scriptures that when the Jewish Messiah came he would save the world and offer people MERCY.


Now if anything the TRUE MESSAGE of Christmas favours the poor, the needy and humble because they know they need saving. They don’t have the resources to try to save themselves. But can you see it? Can you see the hope, the peace and joy of Christmas. THE MIRACLES of Christmas testify God is real and THE STORY OF CHRISTMAS tells us God is coming to us because he wants to help us and he wants to have relationship with us – especially those of us at the very bottom end of town. Even if you think you’re a nobody – God wants to help you.

Now at Christmas time – most people are worshipping SOMETHING as the saviour of the world. Some people are worshiping MONEY and what it can buy? Some people are worshiping the IDEA OF FAMILY and the warm fuzzy feelings that come when you sit together at Christmas lunch and for a brief moment stop screaming at each other. Ahhh. Its worthy of worship). Still others worship POWER at Christmas and all their hands have produced through the year – ie the corporate Christmas party. Still others worship the CHRISTIAN RELIGION itself and the BEAUTIFUL CAROLS – that make us feel so good at this time of year. But none of these things can actually save the world or ourselves. Only God can do that!

We all know the world is in TROUBLE. Every day the news media broadcasts another problem. According to the great intellects who designed the atomic bomb – THE DOOMSDAY CLOCK is now 90 seconds to midnight. So what do you think happens when it gets to midnight? Even you are in trouble now. No matter how much money, power or education you have every day the second hand ticks onwards towards death. What then?

In both countdowns the only thing that can save us – is an Almighty, Good, Faithful God – who is both 1) MERCIFUL towards sinners and 2) POWERFUL to work miracles. Thankfully, that is the true message of Christmas. God is merciful to nobodies and God is powerful to save.

(PROBLEM) The real problem for everyone – is that we have all rejected the Creator God. Some of us rejected God to chase after money, power, intellect, sexual fulfillment, family and fame so that we could be proud. Some of us rejected God and created our own religions – so that we could be proud of our own self-imposed religiosity. But this rejection of God – offends God and destroys His world.

So God came into the world in Jesus to show us mercy and to win back our hearts. (GOSPEL) When Jesus grew up and went to the cross – he took all our sin upon Himself. THE PENALTY for rejecting God is that we deserve to die. But when Jesus died on the cross he took the punishment for our sin. All the punishment that should fall upon you for your sin, fell upon Jesus. And Jesus accepted this because he loves you. But God was also doing this because he loves you. In order to show you forgiveness – God had to take all the pain you have caused him (and instead of projecting it back on you in anger) – he had to swallow it in the depths of his own being. (If you have ever forgiven someone you’ll know how hard it is to forgive). The cross is a picture of how much it personally cost God to forgive you. It cost him his Son. But God was willing to do that because He loves you – more than you know.

Apply:            The peace and joy of Christmas is NOT just a saying. It is a reality for those who know God loves them and has forgiven them. If you are not a Christian – you know you don’t really have peace with God. (There is guilt and shame in your life that needs addressing). If you are not a Christian – you know the joy of money, power, family, holidays, whatever – does not really last. In fact, with each successive year the joy of these things is fading fast. The second hand is ticking down and you know it.

But just as God made promises to Mary, so God has made promises to you in Jesus. GOD SAYS that if you believe Jesus and you trust that he died for your sins – God will forgive you, bless you and take you to heaven when you die. THERE IS A REAL PEACE in knowing you are forgiven by God. THERE IS TANGIBLE JOY that comes from being in relationship with God. And life really does change for the better – when you have the HOPE OF HEAVEN before you. The good news is that this incredible Christmas gift is available to both the bottom end of town AND the top end of town.

So let me finish by saying – if you are from the bottom end of town (and the Galilees of this world) what God is offering you in Jesus is better than any of the fine food, fine presents or fine holidays the top end of town are celebrating. Those things all fade and don’t really satisfy as much as you think. So don’t be envious and don’t feel like you’re missing out – because the joy, peace and hope you already have in Jesus is better, far better, than what many people will try to celebrate this Christmas… And if you are from the top end of town (and you have access to all the worldly things of Christmas) please know that what is available in Jesus is better than anything you have tasted thus far. There is a peace, a joy and a hope in Jesus that passes understanding. You need this. But there are several Bible stories (including the parable of the wedding banquet) that suggest the bottom end of town are waking up to the true blessings of Christmas – faster and more readily than the top end of town. So please don’t miss out.

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